Mini Dome Series | User Manual
Please click “Save” button to save your settings. Users can also click “Reset to default” to set
all the settings back to the factory defaults.
3.2.5 Event Settings
Motion Detection
This function is designed to trigger a corresponding action when the unit detects motion(s).
Set “ON” to activate motion detection function.
Choose different 3 levels of detecting sensitivity.
“High”: Motion is activated with slight changes in
brightness or motion.
“Low”: Motion is activated with big changes in brightness or motion.
Detect Zone
Adjust the detect zone by pressing with left click and dragging on the live view screen to outline a desired
size of detected frame.
“Clean” to erase detect zone settings.
Figure 3 - 30: Motion Detection Settings
Please click “Save” button to save your settings. Users can also click “Reset to Default” to set
all the settings back to the factory defaults.
Email Notification
SMTP Recording Condition
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is an Internet standard for e-mail service across networking. Users
can receive Motion triggered event via email notification by setting here.
The login ID and Password is supported within 16 characters with the valid alphanumeric
value merely including '0' to '9', 'a' to 'z', 'A' to 'Z', '.','-','+','_'and '@'.
It is NOT allowed to add or delete Admin Level user, which is only one by default.