Ensuring the Safety of Patients and Operators
To avoid injury when operating the chinrest up/down button, be careful not to catch the
patient's fingers.
Preventing Electric Shocks and Fires
To avoid injury by electric shock, do not open the cover. For repair, call your service engineer.
To avoid injury by electric shock when changing the fuse, turn off the power and pull off the
power cable. Use the rated fuse.
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
This instrument has been tested (with 100/120/230V) and found to comply with IEC60601-1-
2:Ed.3.0:2007. This instrument radiates radio frequency energy within standard and may affect
other devices in the vicinity. If you have discovered that turning on/off the instrument affects
other devices, we recommend you change its position, keep a proper distance from other
devices, or plug it into a different outlet. Please consult your authorized dealer if you have any
additional questions.