Page 04 KKAI808PE01-A/0-20130904
6. Operation Sequence
Measuring status
Power on & Reset
Alarm 1
Alarm 2
Alarm 3
PV bias
Manual / auto
shift menu
Password lock
Control mode
OUT1 control
Cooling prportional
effective when OT=3
Output function
setting menu
OUT2 control cycle
effective when OT=3
Heating cooling
control dead area
effective when OT=3
Alarm 1 hysteresis
Setting menu
Alarm 1 mode
Alarm 2 hysteresis
Alarm 2 mode
Alarm 3 hysteresis
Alarm 3 mode
Lower limit
of control
Upper limit
of control
Input signal
Lower limit
of input signal
Upper limit
of input signal
Decimal point (Not effective
for TC / RTD input
Fliter constant
Lower limit of transmit current output
Upper limit of transmit current output
Baud rate
Press SET
for a few
Press SET key for a few seconds
Proportional coefficient
Integral time
Derivative time
On/Off control
(effective when OT=0)
Press SET key for a few seconds
Press SET key
for a few seconds
Input function
setting menu
setting menu
Change between celsius and fahrenheit
7. Program segment control setting
SET+ Start or stop the program
segment control
Program segment
setting menu
Power on & Reset
Measuring status
Operation Status, for
three types STOP, RUN
and HOLD can be choosed
Program segment control setting method
1) There are total 50 programmable segments. For each segment, there are 2 settable parameters: SV
, ST
2) SV
value is the object control value of a segment, for example, if SV 01 is 200, the object control value of
this segment is 200
3) ST
value is the control mode parameter of a segment.
When ST setting value is -51, it means it has finished this time’s programmable segment control, reset to single setting
value control mode (refer to example onw)
When ST setting value is -50 -1 it means the current segment will jump to the appointed segment, for example,
if ST
-45 it means the current segment will jump to segment no.45 directly, after the control of this
segment is finished.
When ST
setting value is 0 it means the program segment will jump to the next segment automatically when the
temperature get to
When ST setting value is 1 1440, unit is Minute, it means when runing within this segment, it will reach the setting value with average
speed; The meter will stop this segment’s operation when this segment’s ST value countdown to 0, if the ST value has already come to 0, but PV
measuring value does not meet with SV setting value, the program will not leave this segment until SV=PV. For example: SV =200
ST =10 the temperature is 30 ,the program will still runing in this segment for 10 minutes and the temperature will rise 17 per minute.
STEP Programmable
setting value
refer to the
illustration in the following
Press Key to enter into
programmable parameter
setting menu
programmable parameter
setting menu