DWG.No. 4B-6829-A
Operation Manual (Communication Edition)
(TOHO Protocol, MODBUS
Model: TRM-00J Name: Paperless Recorder
Page 1: ...DWG No 4B 6829 A TOHO ELECTRONICS INC Operation Manual Communication Edition TOHO Protocol MODBUS Model TRM 00J Name PaperlessRecorder ...
Page 2: ... 5 4 2 1 StructureofReadRequestMessage 5 4 2 2 StructureofWriteRequestMessage 5 4 2 3 StructureofSaveRequestMessage 5 4 3 StructureofResponseMessage DataTransmissionfromThisProducttoUpperComputer 6 4 3 1 ResponseMessageforReadRequestMessage 6 4 3 2 ResponseMessageforWrite SaveRequestMessage 6 4 3 3 ResponseMessagefortheError 6 4 4 ExplanationaboutCodes 7 4 5 ThingstoBeNotedduringtheCommunication 1...
Page 3: ...ationAboutCodes 20 5 2 4 ThingstoBeNotedduringtheCommunication 22 Section6 ListofIdentifiers 23 6 1 OtherCommands 23 6 2 Input 25 6 3 Scaling 26 6 4 Display 28 6 5 Scale 29 6 6 Alarm 30 6 7 REC CALC 35 6 8 Groupname 36 6 9 Groupchannel 36 6 10 GraphDisplay 38 6 11 Autoswitching 39 6 12 RecordOperation 39 6 13 Schedule 40 6 14 Message 40 6 15 DI 43 6 16 Progresstime 43 6 17 LCDbacklight 44 6 18 Key...
Page 4: ...ordinarycommand thedata thatwaswrittenwillbereplacedbythepreviousdata datathatissavedinEEPROM ifthepoweristurnedOFFandthenturnedON TosavethewrittendataintotheEEPROMofthisproduct executethesaverequestmessage See 4 5 5 1 4 and 5 2 4 ThingstoBeNotedduringtheCommunication 1 4 Position Priority ofCommunication Thisproductallowstheusertochangeparametersthroughthekey includingtouchoperation hereinafterre...
Page 5: ...nitialsettingsneedtobemadetothisproductinorderforittoperformacommunicationfunction Settingsshallbemadethroughkey operation Followtheprocedureshownbelowtonavigatebetweensettingscreens SeeUser sManualfordetails Power on Initial screen Horizontal Trend 4 Sec after Main Menu MENU key System Setting Comm Setting ...
Page 6: ...ss Settingmustbemadeinaccordancewithformatsettingspecifications 2 5 SettingofCommunicationSpeed Data Length StopBit andParity Settingmustbemadeinaccordancewiththesettingsofuppercomputerthatshallbeconnected DuringthesettingofMODBUSRTU datalengthwillbefixedto8bits datalengthsettingwillbeignored 2 6 SettingofBCC IncaseofTOHOProtocol set WithorWithoutBCCCheck TurnBCCCheckON OFF 2 7 SettingofResponse D...
Page 7: ...iedintothefollowing Read request message Write request message Request message transmitted from a high level computer Response message transmitted from this product Receipt acknowledgement and data response Write complete response Reception error and error description response Response when a normal request message is received When a received request message contains an error Store complete respon...
Page 8: ...r See 4 4 ExplanationaboutCodes fordetails 4 2 StructureofRequestMessage DataTransmissionfrom UpperComputer toThisProduct See 4 4 ExplanationaboutCodes forcodesfrom to See 4 6 1 SampleCommunicationforReading and 4 6 2 SampleCommunicationforWriting forconcrete samplesoftherequestmessage 4 2 1 StructureofReadRequestMessage S T X R E T X B C C 4 2 2 StructureofWriteRequestMessage S T X W E T X B C C ...
Page 9: ...planationaboutCodes forcodesfrom to See 4 6 1 SampleCommunicationforReading and 4 6 2 SampleCommunicationforWriting forconcrete samplesoftheresponsemessage 4 3 1 ResponseMessageforReadRequestMessage S T X A C K E T X B C C 4 3 2 ResponseMessageforWrite SaveRequestMessage S T X E T X B C C A C K 4 3 3 ResponseMessagefortheError S T X E T X B C C N A K ...
Page 10: ...esubjectedchannelshall becomputedbythefollowingformula Address AddressSettingValue 1 x6 SubjectedChannel Example Addressofchannel4whereaddresssettingvalue 5 Address 5 1 x6 4 28 ContentsofRequest SetthesymbolRorW R Ifthedataistobereadfromthisproduct W Ifthedataistobewrittenorsavedintothisproduct FirstIdentifier Itisaclassificationsymbol identifier ofthedatatobereadorwrittenthatwillbeexpressedbythe3...
Page 11: ...e display unit of the data is up to the second decimal place 0 10 ETX Itisacodethatisnecessaryforthereceivingsidetodetecttheendofthemessage Itshallbeattachedtotheendofthecharacter stringtobesent exceptforBCC BCC GetEx ORofallcharactersfromSTXtoETXwiththecheckcodeforthedetectionoferror ThiscodeshallnotbeincludedintheresponsemessageifBCCCheckisturnedOFFatthecommunicationsettingofthisproduct See 2 6 ...
Page 12: ...estmessage Formultipleerrors thelargesterrornumberwillbeincluded Contentsandclassificationoferrorarethefollowing ErrorNumber Descriptionoferrorsin RequestMessage thatwasreceivedbythisproduct 0 Malfunctionofmeasuringequipment memoryerrororA Dconversionerror 1 Numerical value data is out of the setting range that is specified individually by the setting item 2 Changingoftherequesteditemisprohibitedo...
Page 13: ...estmessage thatspecifiestheaddressthatisotherthantheonethathasbeensettoitself Therefore ifthereisanerrorintheaddresssectionofthe requestmessage noneoftheslavestationswillreturnthe response message Therefore theuppercomputershouldresendthenecessary requestmessage ifthe responsemessage isnotreturnedwithin areasonabletime OnceSTXisreceived thisproductclearsallcodesthatwerereceivedpriortothesaidSTX 4 ...
Page 14: ...e 00100 Thisproduct ReadRequestMessage tobesentbytheuppercomputer S T X 1 0 R P V 1 S T X 1 0 A C K B C C P V 1 E T X 0 0 1 0 0 B C C E T X 0 1 0 1 Code symbolandData ASCIIcode 2 StartCode STX 02H Address 10 31H 30H ContentsofRequest R 52H FirstIdentifier 1 PV1 50H 56H 31H SecondIdentifier 1 01 30H 31H NumericalData 00100 30H 30H 31H 30H 30H EndCode ETX 03H BCCData Request Response 64H 01H Acknowl...
Page 15: ...fthedataiswrittencorrectly WriteRequestMessage tobesentbytheuppercomputer S T X 0 1 A C K B C C E T X S T X 0 1 W B C C I N P E T X 0 0 0 1 3 0 3 Code symbolandData ASCIIcode 2 StartCode STX 02H Address 01 30H 31H ContentsofRequest W 57H FirstIdentifier 1 INP 49H 4EH 50H SecondIdentifier 1 03 30H 33H NumericalData 00013 30H 30H 30H 31H 33H EndCode ETX 03H BCCData Request Response 31H 06H Acknowled...
Page 16: ...erAddress Upper 01H Firstregisteraddress Lower 00H d NumberofRegisters Upper 00H 2 fixed Lower 02H f NumberofBytes 04H NumberofRegistersx2 g Dataforthefirstregister Lowerword Upper 00H Datastructureis H represents1byte Lower 0DH Dataforthefirstregister Upperword Upper 00H Lower 00H e CRC 16 Lower 6FH Upper FCH 5 1 1 3 StructureofSaveRequestMessage a SlaveAddress 01H b FunctionCode 10H c RegisterAd...
Page 17: ...sents1byte Lower 64H Dataforthefirstregister Upperword Upper 00H Lower 00H e CRC 16 Lower BBH Upper ECH 5 1 2 2 ResponseMessageforWrite SaveRequestMessage a SlaveAddress 01H b FunctionCode 10H c RegisterAddress Upper 01H Firstregisteraddress Lower 00H d NumberofRegisters Upper 00H 2 fixed Lower 02H e CRC 16 Lower 40H Upper 34H 5 1 2 3 ResponseMessagefortheError a SlaveAddress 01H b FunctionCode 83...
Page 18: ... Sincethenumberofregistersofthisproductisfixedto2 setitto 0002H e CRC 16 Itisanerror checkingcodeforthedetectionofapossibleerrorinthemessage ItsendsCRC 16 CyclicRedundancyCode GeneratingpolyomicalofCRC 16thatisusedinthisproductisX16 X15 X2 1 Ifitistobeattachedattheendofthemessageasanerrornumber attachthelowerbyteofCRCbeforetheupperbyte f NumberofBytes Specifiesthenumberofregistersthatreadsandwrite...
Page 19: ...multipleerrors thelargesterrornumberwillbeincluded Contentsandclassificationoferrorarethefollowing ErrorNumber Descriptionoferrorsin RequestMessage thatwasreceivedbythisproduct 01 Receivedanunsupportedfunctioncode 02 Receivedanunspecifiedaddress 03 Numerical value data is out of the setting range that is specified individually by the settingitem 04 Malfunctionofmeasuringequipment memoryerrororA Dc...
Page 20: ...SpecificationError Thisproductwillnotrespondtoany requestmessage thatspecifiestheaddressthatisotherthantheonethathasbeensettoitself Therefore ifthereisanerrorintheaddresssectionofthe requestmessage noneoftheslavestationswillreturnthe response message Therefore theuppercomputershouldresendthenecessary requestmessage ifthe responsemessage isnotreturnedwithin areasonabletime Atatimeintervalofmorethan...
Page 21: ... Firstregisteraddress Lower 0 0 e NumberofRegisters Upper 0 0 2 fixed Lower 0 2 h NumberofBytes 0 4 NumberofRegistersx2 i Dataforthefirstregister Lowerword Upper 0 0 Datastructureis H represents1byte Lower 0 D Dataforthefirstregister Upperword Upper 0 0 Lower 0 0 f LRC D B g EndCode CR LF 5 2 1 3 StructureofSaveRequestMessage a StartCode b SlaveAddress 0 1 c FunctionCode 1 0 d RegisterAddress Uppe...
Page 22: ...ents1byte Lower 6 4 Dataforthefirstregister Upperword Upper 0 0 Lower 0 0 f LRC 9 4 g EndCode CR LF 5 2 2 2 ResponseMessageforWrite SaveRequestMessage a StartCode b SlaveAddress 0 1 c FunctionCode 1 0 d RegisterAddress Upper 0 1 Firstregisteraddress Lower 0 0 e NumberofRegisters Upper 0 0 2 fixed Lower 0 2 f LRC E C g EndCode CR LF 5 2 2 3 Responsemessagefortheerror a StartCode b SlaveAddress 0 1 ...
Page 23: ...0H Ifthedataistobewrittenorsavedintothisproduct d RegisterAddress Specifiesthepositionofdatatobereadorwrittenwith2bytes See Section6ListofIdentifiers fortheaddressofeachcommand e NumberofRegisters Specifiesthenumberofregistersthatwrites Sincethenumberofregistersofthisproductisfixedto2 setitto 0002H f LRC Itisanerror checkingcodeforthedetectionofapossibleerrorinthemessage ItsendsLRC LRCthatisusedin...
Page 24: ... PV 1200 0 00002EE0h 2EE00000 PV 10 00 FFFFFC18h FC18FFFF j ErrorNumber Ifthereisanerrorinthemessagethatwassentbytheuppercomputer theerrornumberwillbeincludedinthe responsemessage ofthisproduct forthereply Formultipleerrors thelargesterrornumberwillbeincluded Contentsandclassificationoferrorarethefollowing ErrorNumber Descriptionoferrorsin RequestMessage thatwasreceivedbythisproduct 01 Receivedanu...
Page 25: ...ndtoany requestmessage thatspecifiestheaddressthatisotherthantheonethathasbeensettoitself Therefore ifthereisanerrorintheaddresssectionofthe requestmessage noneoftheslavestationswillreturnthe response message Therefore theuppercomputershouldresendthenecessary requestmessage ifthe responsemessage isnotreturnedwithin areasonabletime Oncethestartcodeisreceived thisproductclearsallcodesthatwerereceive...
Page 26: ...1 01 40001 0000 CH1PV R Temperatureinput 0 0 unit Analoginput 1digitunit TOHO When H or B OUT isdisplayed HHHHH When L isdisplayed LLLLL MODBUS When H or B OUT isdisplayed 48484848h When L isdisplayed 4C4C4C4Ch PV1 02 40003 0002 CH2PV R PV1 03 40005 0004 CH3PV R PV1 04 40007 0006 CH4PV R PV1 05 40009 0008 CH5PV R PV1 06 40011 000A CH6PV R MD 40025 0018 Recordoperation RW 0 Stop 1 Start OM1 48195 2...
Page 27: ...ve hex EM1 48201 2008 DI1Monitor R 0 DIOFF 1 DION DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4 EM2 48203 200A DI2Monitor R 0 DIOFF 1 DION DI5 DI6 DI7 DI8 EM3 48205 200C DI3Monitor R 0 DIOFF 1 DION DI9 DI10 DI11 DI12 STR 48207 200E Storeinstruction W INI Initializethesetting W 1 Parametersetting 2 Input 3 Display 4 Record 5 Others 11 Systemsetting 12 Device Other 99 Allsetting ...
Page 28: ... RW INP 06 40267 010A CH6InputType RW BAO 01 40269 010C CH1Burnout RW 0 OFF 1 ON BAO 02 40271 010E CH2Burnout RW BAO 03 40273 0110 CH3Burnout RW BAO 04 40275 0112 CH4Burnout RW BAO 05 40277 0114 CH5Burnout RW BAO 06 40279 0116 CH6Burnout RW RJF 01 40281 0118 CH1RJC RW 0 Internal 1 SpecifiedChannel 2 OFF RJF 02 40283 011A CH2RJC RW RJF 03 40285 011C CH3RJC RW RJF 04 40287 011E CH4RJC RW RJF 05 4028...
Page 29: ...39 021A CH2Meas lwrlim RW SIL 03 40541 021C CH3Meas lwrlim RW SIL 04 40543 021E CH4Meas lwrlim RW SIL 05 40545 0220 CH5Meas lwrlim RW SIL 06 40547 0222 CH6Meas lwrlim RW SOH 01 40549 0224 CH1Scaleuprlim RW SOH 02 40551 0226 CH2Scaleuprlim RW SOH 03 40553 0228 CH3Scaleuprlim RW SOH 04 40555 022A CH4Scaleuprlim RW SOH 05 40557 022C CH5Scaleuprlim RW SOH 06 40559 022E CH6Scaleuprlim RW SOL 01 40561 0...
Page 30: ...st Identifier Second Identifier Absolute DEC Relative hex UNI 01 40585 0248 CH1Unit RW 0 1 ゚ F 2 K 3 mV 4 V 5 mA 6 A 7 mW 8 W 9 10 RH 11 ppc 12 ppm 13 ppb UNI 02 40587 024A CH2Unit RW UNI 03 40589 024C CH3Unit RW UNI 04 40591 024E CH4Unit RW UNI 05 40593 0250 CH5Unit RW UNI 06 40595 0252 CH6Unit RW ...
Page 31: ... Upto29alphanumericcharacters EXP 02 CH2Description RW EXP 03 CH3Description RW EXP 04 CH4Description RW EXP 05 CH5Description RW EXP 06 CH6Description RW COL 01 40769 0300 CH1DisplayColor RW 0 Red 1 Green 2 Blue 3 Purple 4 Yellow 5 Aqua 6 DarkRed 7 Lime 8 DarkBlue 9 BrightPurple 10 BlueGreen 11 Olive 12 Gray 13 Khaki 14 Brown 15 Orange COL 02 40771 0302 CH2DisplayColor RW COL 03 40773 0304 CH3Dis...
Page 32: ...aleL RW Temperatureinput 0 0 unit Analoginput 1digitunit SCL 02 41071 042E CH2RngofScaleL RW SCL 03 41073 0430 CH3RngofScaleL RW SCL 04 41075 0432 CH4RngofScaleL RW SCL 05 41077 0434 CH5RngofScaleL RW SCL 06 41079 0436 CH6RngofScaleL RW SCN 01 41081 0438 CH1ScaleNo RW 0 No 1 1 No 2 2 No 3 SCN 02 41083 043A CH2ScaleNo RW SCN 03 41085 043C CH3ScaleNo RW SCN 04 41087 043E CH4ScaleNo RW SCN 05 41089 0...
Page 33: ... RW SF2 02 41295 050E CH2Alarm2AlarmType RW SF2 03 41297 0510 CH3Alarm2AlarmType RW SF2 04 41299 0512 CH4Alarm2AlarmType RW SF2 05 41301 0514 CH5Alarm2AlarmType RW SF2 06 41303 0516 CH6Alarm2AlarmType RW SF3 01 41305 0518 CH1Alarm3AlarmType RW SF3 02 41307 051A CH2Alarm3AlarmType RW SF3 03 41309 051C CH3Alarm3AlarmType RW SF3 04 41311 051E CH4Alarm3AlarmType RW SF3 05 41313 0520 CH5Alarm3AlarmType...
Page 34: ... CH1Alarm2AlmTgtConn RW AO2 02 41343 053E CH2Alarm2AlmTgtConn RW AO2 03 41345 0540 CH3Alarm2AlmTgtConn RW AO2 04 41347 0542 CH4Alarm2AlmTgtConn RW AO2 05 41349 0544 CH5Alarm2AlmTgtConn RW AO2 06 41351 0546 CH6Alarm2AlmTgtConn RW AO3 01 41353 0548 CH1Alarm3AlmTgtConn RW AO3 02 41355 054A CH2Alarm3AlmTgtConn RW AO3 03 41357 054C CH3Alarm3AlmTgtConn RW AO3 04 41359 054E CH4Alarm3AlmTgtConn RW AO3 05 ...
Page 35: ...2 02 41391 056E CH2Alarm2AlarmValue RW AS2 03 41393 0570 CH3Alarm2AlarmValue RW AS2 04 41395 0572 CH4Alarm2AlarmValue RW AS2 05 41397 0574 CH5Alarm2AlarmValue RW AS2 06 41399 0576 CH6Alarm2AlarmValue RW AS3 01 41401 0578 CH1Alarm3AlarmValue RW AS3 02 41403 057A CH2Alarm3AlarmValue RW AS3 03 41405 057C CH3Alarm3AlarmValue RW AS3 04 41407 057E CH4Alarm3AlarmValue RW AS3 05 41409 0580 CH5Alarm3AlarmV...
Page 36: ...2 02 41439 059E CH2Alarm2Hysteresis RW AH2 03 41441 05A0 CH3Alarm2Hysteresis RW AH2 04 41443 05A2 CH4Alarm2Hysteresis RW AH2 05 41445 05A4 CH5Alarm2Hysteresis RW AH2 06 41447 05A6 CH6Alarm2Hysteresis RW AH3 01 41449 05A8 CH1Alarm3Hysteresis RW AH3 02 41451 05AA CH2Alarm3Hysteresis RW AH3 03 41453 05AC CH3Alarm3Hysteresis RW AH3 04 41455 05AE CH4Alarm3Hysteresis RW AH3 05 41457 05B0 CH5Alarm3Hyster...
Page 37: ...2AlmDly sec RW AD2 03 41489 05D0 CH3Alarm2AlmDly sec RW AD2 04 41491 05D2 CH4Alarm2AlmDly sec RW AD2 05 41493 05D4 CH5Alarm2AlmDly sec RW AD2 06 41495 05D6 CH6Alarm2AlmDly sec RW AD3 01 41497 05D8 CH1Alarm3AlmDly sec RW AD3 02 41499 05DA CH2Alarm3AlmDly sec RW AD3 03 41501 05DC CH3Alarm3AlmDly sec RW AD3 04 41503 05DE CH4Alarm3AlmDly sec RW AD3 05 41505 05E0 CH5Alarm3AlmDly sec RW AD3 06 41507 05E...
Page 38: ...0 OFF 1 Inst val 2 Average 3 Max Min REC 02 41551 060E CH2RecordType RW REC 03 41553 0610 CH3RecordType RW REC 04 41555 0612 CH4RecordType RW REC 05 41557 0614 CH5RecordType RW REC 06 41559 0616 CH6RecordType RW PVS 01 41561 0618 CH1Offset RW Temperatureinput 0 0 unit Analoginput 1digitunit PVS 02 41563 061A CH2Offset RW PVS 03 41565 061C CH3Offset RW PVS 04 41567 061E CH4Offset RW PVS 05 41569 06...
Page 39: ...ay RW GF8 41823 071E Group8GroupDisplay RW TF1 41793 0700 Group1LabelDisplay RW 0 ChannelNo 1 Tag TF2 41795 0702 Group2LabelDisplay RW TF3 41797 0704 Group3LabelDisplay RW TF4 41799 0706 Group4LabelDisplay RW TF5 41801 0708 Group5LabelDisplay RW TF6 41803 070A Group6LabelDisplay RW TF7 41805 070C Group7LabelDisplay RW TF8 41807 070E Group8LabelDisplay RW 6 9 Groupchannel TOHO MODBUS Name Command R...
Page 40: ...04CH06 RW G51 42097 0830 Group05CH01 RW G52 42099 0832 Group05CH02 RW G53 42101 0834 Group05CH03 RW G54 42103 0836 Group05CH04 RW G55 42105 0838 Group05CH05 RW G56 42107 083A Group05CH06 RW G61 42109 083C Group06CH01 RW G62 42111 083E Group06CH02 RW G63 42113 0840 Group06CH03 RW G64 42115 0842 Group06CH04 RW G65 42117 0844 Group06CH05 RW G66 42119 0846 Group06CH06 RW G71 42121 0848 Group07CH01 RW ...
Page 41: ...3Verttrend RW TL4 42327 0916 Group4Verttrend RW TL5 42329 0918 Group5Verttrend RW TL6 42331 091A Group6Verttrend RW TL7 42333 091C Group7Verttrend RW TL8 42335 091E Group8Verttrend RW BD1 42337 0920 Group1Bargraph RW 0 OFF 1 ON BD2 42339 0922 Group2Bargraph RW BD3 42341 0924 Group3Bargraph RW BD4 42343 0926 Group4Bargraph RW BD5 42345 0928 Group5Bargraph RW BD6 42347 092A Group6Bargraph RW BD7 423...
Page 42: ...c 1 10sec 2 15sec 3 30sec 4 60sec 6 12 RecordOperation TOHO MODBUS Name Command Remark First Identifier Second Identifier Absolute DEC Relative hex DRT 42817 0B00 RecordCycle RW 0 0 1sec 1 1sec 2 2sec 3 3sec 4 5sec 5 10sec 6 15sec 7 20sec 8 30sec 9 1min 10 2min 11 3min 12 5min 13 10min 14 15min 15 20min 16 30min 17 60min FRT 42819 0B02 Filerec cy RW 0 10Minute 1 1Hour 2 1Day 3 1Week 4 1Month 5 1Ye...
Page 43: ...43087 0C0E Thu RW WE6 43089 0C10 Fri RW WE7 43091 0C12 Sat RW 6 14 Message TOHO MODBUS Name Command Remark First Identifier Second Identifier Absolute DEC Relative hex ME1 Message01Message RW Upto29alphanumericcharacters ME2 Message02Message RW ME3 Message03Message RW ME4 Message04Message RW ME5 Message05Message RW ME6 Message06Message RW ME7 Message07Message RW ME8 Message08Message RW ME9 Message...
Page 44: ...essage16Timing RW MTH 43361 0D20 Message17Timing RW MTI 43363 0D22 Message18Timing RW MTJ 43365 0D24 Message19Timing RW MTK 43367 0D26 Message20Timing RW MC1 43369 0D28 Message01ChannelNo RW 0 CH01 1 CH02 2 CH03 3 CH04 4 CH05 5 CH06 MC2 43371 0D2A Message02ChannelNo RW MC3 43373 0D2C Message03ChannelNo RW MC4 43375 0D2E Message04ChannelNo RW MC5 43377 0D30 Message05ChannelNo RW MC6 43379 0D32 Mess...
Page 45: ...C Message15AlarmNo RW MAG 43439 0D6E Message16AlarmNo RW MAH 43441 0D70 Message17AlarmNo RW MAI 43443 0D72 Message18AlarmNo RW MAJ 43445 0D74 Message19AlarmNo RW MAK 43447 0D76 Message20AlarmNo RW MD1 43449 0D78 Message01DINo RW 0 DI01 1 DI02 2 DI03 3 DI04 4 DI05 5 DI06 6 DI07 7 DI08 8 DI09 MD2 43451 0D7A Message02DINo RW MD3 43453 0D7C Message03DINo RW MD4 43455 0D7E Message04DINo RW MD5 43457 0D...
Page 46: ... 43595 0E0A DI6Function RW DI7 43597 0E0C DI7Function RW DI8 43599 0E0E DI8Function RW DI9 43601 0E10 DI9Function RW 6 16 Progresstime TOHO MODBUS Name Command Remark First Identifier Second Identifier Absolute DEC Relative hex ET 43841 0F00 Progresstime RW 0 OFF 1 ON ETF 43843 0F02 Condition RW 0 Record 1 Almocrd 2 DI ETC 43845 0F04 ChannelNo RW 0 CH01 1 CH02 2 CH03 3 CH04 4 CH05 5 CH06 ETA 43847...
Page 47: ...9 1002 Actv brt RW LSC 44101 1004 Slpbrt RW ABK 44103 1006 Almrcvy RW 0 OFF 1 ON 6 18 Keyfunction TOHO MODBUS Name Command Remark First Identifier Second Identifier Absolute DEC Relative hex FU 44609 1200 FUNCKey RW 0 OFF 1 SwitchingofScreen 2 Message KLF 44611 1202 KeyLock RW 0 OFF 1 ON MKF 44613 1204 MenuLock RW 0 Free 1 Parameter 2 System 3 All HKF 44615 1206 HardKeyLock RW 0 Free 1 REC 2 FUNC ...
Page 48: ...3 1308 DataLength RW 0 7bit 1 8bit STB 44875 130A Stopbit RW 0 1bit 1 2bit PAL 44877 130C Paritycheck RW 0 OFF 1 EVEN 2 ODD BCC 44879 130E BCCcheck RW 0 OFF 1 ON AWT 44881 1310 Respdelay RW 6 20 Clock TOHO MODBUS Name Command Remark First Identifier Second Identifier Absolute DEC Relative hex TYE 44353 1100 Year RW TMO 44355 1102 Month RW TDA 44357 1104 Day RW THO 44359 1106 Hour RW TMI 44361 1108...
Page 49: ... a q 02h STX DC2 2 B R b r 03h ETX DC3 3 C S c s 04h EOT DC4 4 D T d t 05h ENQ NAK 5 E U e u 06h ACK SYN 6 F V f v 07h BEL ETB 7 G W g w 08h BS CAN 8 H X h x 09h HT EM 9 I Y i y 0Ah LF SUB J Z j z 0Bh VT ESC K k 0Ch FF FS L l 0Dh CR GS M m 0Eh SO RS N n 0Fh SI US O _ o DEL How to Use ASCII Code Table ASCII Code Upper Lower Example 1 If A 41h 40h 01h Example 2 If m 6Dh 60h 0Dh ...