Test Eye Tracking
Select the
Test Eye Tracking
button to access the
Test Eye Tracking
With the Test Eye Tracking page, it is possible to check the accuracy and performance of the Eye tracker. All Calibration points
are visualized with a circle with orange dot in the center. This is the center of each calibration point. When entering this page,
the Eye tracker will start reading the Gaze data for the user. The Gaze data will be shown on screen in real time. Orange dots
will appear where the user has his/her Gaze. By looking at the calibration point it is possible to determinate if the calibration is
accurate or if it is good to do a recalibration of the user.
To perform a recalibration, select the
To show the position guide, select the
Position guide
7 Eye Tracker Settings
Tobii Dynavox PCEye Explore User
s manual v.1.0 - en-US