(2) Connection example
1. If the station paging zones are to be assigned as shown in Table
1, each individual LM unit is divided as shown in Fig. 4.
2. Cut off the following the jumper wires of the LM unit to allo-
cate stations of each group.
© <For the LM-62A unit> Refer to Table 2.
LM1 (No. 200 ~ 207): JP8
LM3 (No. 216 ~ 223): JP7 and JP9
(2) <For the LM-62B/62C/65/65C units> Refer to Table 4.
LM1 (No. 200 ~ 207): JP700 - JP701
LM3 (No. 216 ~ 223): JP600/JP601 and JP800/JP801
3. Stations of each group must have the consecutive station num-
bers. The station included in the group but not requiring the
station paging function can be disconnected by cutting off the
corresponding resistor wires or the jumper wires of stations.
© <For the LM-62A unit>
R126 ~ R826 Refer to Table 2 and Fig. 2.
(2) <For the LM-62B/62C/65/65C units>
JP105 ~ JP805 Refer to Table 4, Fig. 5 and 8.
4. Perform the wiring of the station paging assignment plug for
connection between the LM and PI units. (See Fig. 1, 4 and 5.)
The plug can be detached by inserting a screwdriver into be-
tween the plug and its socket after removing the rear panel of
the exchange. (When inserting the screwdriver, take care that
pins are not damaged.)
5. Paging output lines of the PI unit have been connected to pins
No. PO through P7 of the plug. For station output lines of the
plug, the pin corresponding to the first station number of each
LM unit has been connected to a connector 46B of each LM
unit, with the pin corresponding to the last station number of
each LM unit having been connected to a connector 46A of each
LM unit.
EX-610: LM1 - LM7 (Station No.200 ~ No.255)
EX-620: LM1 ~ LM15 (Station No.200 ~ No.319)
6. Use solder to connect each PI output pin (PO through P7) of the
plug to the input pin of the first or last station number of the
corresponding paging zone. (Refer to Fig. 1)
7. If the paging zone involves 2 or more LM units, connect between
two pins (of the plug) corresponding to the last station number
of one LM unit and to the first station number of another LM
unit. If there is the LM unit not used for paging, be sure to
connect its corresponding two input pins of the plug to the GND
pin. Failure to do this can cause crosstalk.
8. After finishing these connections, insert the plug into its 40-pin
Important! To give easy access to the station paging assignment
plug, provide sufficient space between the wall and the
Paging zone
of plug
of plug
P 1 (No 200-No 205)
Fig. 4 Assignment of Station Paging
No 200
P 1
No 207
P 2 (No 206—No 220)
No 208
P 2
No 215
No 216
No 223
P 3 (No223-No231)
No 224
P 3
P 4 (No232—No239)
No 232
P 4
Fig. 5 Connection of Station Paging Assignment Plug
Fig. 6
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