MPEG-4 wired/wireless IP Camera
Appendix F. Third party and embedded web page
For third party and embedded web page integration, IP Camera support the
standard RTSP protocol and video/audio codecs needed by most generally used
video play software, including Apple QuickTime and VideoLAN. The supported media
protocols including TCP and UDP. IP Camera will aut omatically use TCP or UDP
media stream depends on the connection request. The video codec supported is
MPEG4, the audio codecs supported are AMR-NB and MPEG2-audio.
The access methods are the followings :
for MPEG4 video + MPEG2 audio
for MPEG4 video + AMR-NB audio
Where ip_cam_address is the IP address of the IP camera. CAM_ID is the
unique Camera ID of the specific IP camera. Password is the video play password of
the specific IP camera(detailed in section 3.6). Users can modify the password of the
IP camera to prevent others to see the video.
For embedded web page integration, add the following codes into the proper
position of the desired web page :
<object classid="clsid:5C519EC4-2BAE-44CE-B7F5-AD0CCD4BEFBD"
width="320" height="240">
<param name="Src" value="
| The mobile video gateway