Commonly Asked Questions (Continued)
Q13: Can TMAX repair my Tablet if it breaks, or I drop it in water?
Please read the Warranty statement at the end of this instruction manual. If the damage is
not covered by the APEX warranty, you can contact APEX Customer Service to learn of
options that may be available to you.
Q14: Do I need to let the battery drain before I recharge
the Tablet?
No. It’s usually a good idea to charge the Tablet before it reaches 1% power. A warning
message will also prompt you to plug the Tablet into power in when the battery is low.
Connecting to AC power will charge the unit faster than via USB power.
Q15: Can I use a stylus pen with the Tablet, and if so, what type can I
Yes. You can use any stylus pen that designed for computer tablets.
Q16: Can I upgrade the processor or Android operating system?
No. Any attempt to upgrade the hardware or change the operating system on the tablet
could void your warranty, and may compromise the operation of the tablet.
Q17: What is the total space available for storage and RAM?
Your tablet comes with some Random Access Memory (RAM) and internal storage memory
that is used by the Android Operating System. It reserves a certain amount of memory that
is not accessible by the user. In Settings > Storage, the user available memory is displayed
as ‘Available’. This is the internal storage available after the initial installation of the Android
OS and pre-installed Apps. TMAX pre-installed just a handful of Apps in order to make your
experience as smooth as possible.
Q18: Why can’t I connect my tablet to my internet?
If your tablet is unable to connect to the internet, please check the following:
• Check and make sure your WI-FI setting on your tablet is ON
• Verify you’re SSID and passwords are correct on your router. Typically, you only need to set
this one time and then the Tablet will remember it in the future.
• Check and make sure your Firewalls are not blocking your tablet to connecting the Tablet.
• Your wireless router must support WI-FI 802.11b/g. If your router supports 802.11n make sure
it’s configured to accept 802.00b/g. To assure that you are making the correct text entry,
make sure to enable “Show Password” which is just below the password entry.