To force a manual regeneration of the equipment, proceed as follows.
1. Unlock and access to programmation:
To unlock and enter the manual mode and program changes, press the UP and DOWN buttons simulta-
neously until the key icon desappears and appears the tool icon (setting mode).
2. Access manual regeneration:
Press the "manual / return" key twice to start manual regeneration. The valve will follow the programming
cycles according to the programmed times until the end of the process (the cycles will vary depending on
whether it is a decalcification valve).
If you want to advance the cycle manually, press "manual / return" again. The valve
will automatically go to the next cycle.
When water comes out clear, again measure the water hardness to graduate after
passing through the softener. It is recommended that the degree of hardness is
between 5 ° F and 10 ° F. To adjust the º F, do so by driving the By-Pass, fixing it into
- Position "SERVICE": The water will come directly from the softener.
- In case the hardness is below 5 º F gradually opened the By-Pass (until the water meets the desired ºF,
do as many checks as required).
After completing this process, you will correctly set your softener. Remember that for a smooth operation of
your water softener, you must have enough salt in the tank, otherwise it will hard water and lime.
In the event of a fault in the electrical power supply during a period of time greater than 8 hours, may have
changed the scheduled time, thus, be necessary to reprogram the valve again, following the instructions
given above.
If the power failure is less than 8 hours, the program should not suffer any inconvenience.
Button “UP”
Button “DOWN”