3. Set the type of regeneration:
Press the button DOWN to set the type of regeneration:
· A-01 = Delayed downflow volumetric regeneration
· A-02 = Regeneration instant volumetric downflow
To change it press the UP key, and confirm with the "menu / confirmation" key:
A-01 = delayed regeneration (regeneration will always be done at a preset time, once the volume of
water is exhausted).
A-02 = instantaneous regeneration (regeneration will be done upon reaching the predetermined water
volume, regardless of the time of day).
Button “UP”
Button “DOWN”
Button “MENU”
Button “MENU”
Button “UP”
Button “DOWN”
Button “MENU”
Button “MENU”
4. Setting the regeneration time:
This option is only editable if you have chosen a type of regeneration delayed in point 3 (A-01, A-03). Press
the DOWN key again to display the regeneration time.
Modify the time by pressing the "menu / confirmation" key, and then adjust it with the UP and DOWN keys.
Normally it will be left at 2:00 in the morning, which is the time at which it is preset. Press "menu / confirma-
tion" to confirm.