Installation & Operation Manual
3.3 Time Synchronization
NOTE* If any timezone settings are changed, the changes will not take effect until the next SNTP Resync Period.
3.3.1 SNTP Servers
The first entry (Primary SNTP Server) sets the address of the SNTP server, where where the TMPC gets its timing
information. In case the Primary SNTP Server is unreachable the TMPC will fall to the Backup SNTP Server. Both DNS
names ( and IPv4 ( formats are accepted.
3.3.2 DHCP Option 42 – NTP Server Setting
The TimeMachines display products support DHCP option 42 which allows the DHCP server to serve the IP address for
the device, as well as the IP address of time sources to be used by devices on the network. Up to two can be specified
for use by the TimeMachines displays. When a DHCP set NTP source is used, the web page will display “DHCP Set: IP
Address” in place of the stored configuration. It is possible to save these if the web page is updated which then in the
absence of a DHCP provided time server, would then attempt to be used as written and fail. Consult your DHCP server
documentation on how to add these settings.
3.3.3 Time Zone
Selecting the Time Zone sets the offset the clock will display from Greenwich Mean Time. All fields have a predetermined
offset except for CUSTOM.
3.3.4 Custom Time Zone
If CUSTOM is selected for the Time Zone then this field is editable. Set the desired custom offset by using the drop down
menus to select hours, minutes and (+/-).
3.3.5 SNTP Resync Period
The SNTP Resync Period entry sets the period between SNTP requests. Enter the number of hours and minutes
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