Installation & Operation Manual
3.2 Network
By default the network parameters are setup up using DHCP. In order to set static values, uncheck the DHCP check box
and enter new values in the address fields. If the values aren't changed the current addresses will be kept.
must be restarted for these changes to take affect.
Addresses in the Network section must be entered in Ipv4, dotted
quad, format.
3.2.1 IPv4 and IPv6
Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported for static and DHCP setup. Set the parameters to match your network setup.
3.2.2 DNS
If using fullyqualified domain names for the time servers, then DNS entries must be included.
3.2.3 Mask HTTP Access on Subnet
Check this box to only allow setup of the TM1000A, through the web interface, from the local sunnet. This
provides a measure of security for the device from outside the subnet attack.
3.2.4 Mask NTP Access on Subnet
Check this box to only allow NTP access from the local subnet. Traffic originating from sources other than the
local subnet will be rejected.
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TimeMachines Inc. | 300 South 68th St. Place, Suite 100 | Lincoln NE 68510
voice: 402.486.0511 | email: [email protected] | web: timemachinescorp.com