1. Presentation
The DEBSON TM2 is a medical device designed to control gas flow. It connects to a pressurised-gas wall fitting or to
a pressure regulator output.
2. Versions
DEBSON TM2 is available in the following versions:
- Gas: oxygen (O
) or medical air.
- Supply pressure: 4.5 bar (+/- 0.5 bar).
- Connector nozzle: compliant with NF S 90-116 - BS 5682 - DIN 13260
US Ohmeda Diamond - NORDIC - UNI…
- Direct connection or via a rail-mounting system (hose + crimped remote probe + rail clamp).
- Threaded outlet: 12x125 M - 9/16'' M-1/4G M-1/2'' BS F.
- Single or double version.
- Delivered as standard with a stop system.
- Flow ranges (9 flow positions):
(Flows expressed in l/min)
0 - 1 l/min
: 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1
0 - 5 l/min
: 0 0.5 0.8 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5
0 - 15 l/min
0 1 2 3 4 5. 6 9 12
0 - 25 l/min
0 0.5 1 2 3 4 6 8 15
0 - 50 l/min
: 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50
3. Technical data
- Compliant with NF EN ISO 15002: 2008.
- Class lla medical device.
- Measurement unit: litre per minute (l/min).
- Measurement accuracy: ± 10 % of the value.
- Continuous flow between two positions
- Inlet and outlet filters: porosity 35 µm.
- Individual serial number with month and year of manufacture
- Operating temperature: 23°C.
4. Instructions for use
- Check that the device is in good working order.
- Check that the flow is on 0.
- Connect the device to the wall fitting or the pressure regulator outlet.
- Screw on a humidifier if necessary, or a nipple to link it to the tubing of the therapy equipment.
- Turn the adjustment button or wheel on the front to the left until desired flow is displayed.
- Attach the tubing to the patient at the last stage.
- To disconnect: close the flow meter (position 0 l/min), remove the tubing from the patient, disconnect the humidifier
if used, then disconnect the flow meter from the wall fitting or pressure regulator outlet.
5. Symbols
Do not use grease, lubricant or oil
See instructions for use
Serial number engraved on the device:
YY: Year of manufacture, MM: Month of manufacture, xxxx: Unit number