Data - DMX
When connecting the data to a DCV, it is recommended that you use professional DMX cable to
avoid any signal issues. It is also recommended that the DMX chain is correctly terminated to avoid
data issues such as signal reflection. - Connectors
Please use the Phoenix terminals provided to connect the DMX. If the terminals are misplaced,
please replace them with genuine Phoenix connectors. For more info call 01603 295 011.
LED Connections
Correct Procedure
When connecting Your LED tape to the DCV please ensure the LED tape matches the voltage of the
DCV, the standard voltage for a DCV is 24V DC.
Please ensure you are connecting the correct terminals to the correct wires on the LED tape, wiring
the tape incorrectly can damage both pieces of equipment.
The common positive load should be split across the two common terminals on both DCV outputs to
avoid damaging the connectors. You can connect a maximum of 150W per common terminal.
Short Circuit Error
The short circuit error tells the user if a fault develops. This can be either:
Current overload. This is when a user has overloaded the DCV by connecting more than
600W of lighting. This may only occur at certain points when the fixture is pulling its
maximum wattage.
Short Circuit. This can occur when the tape is wired incorrectly or if the tape is short
circuiting because it
s damaged or faulty. Another common cause of this is when the tails at
one end of the tape are touching and creating a short circuit.
User Interface Settings
accessing the UI
To access the UI, power the DCV, hold down
the “menu” key and press “
when prompted
whist maintaining a hold on the menu key.
This feature is on all DCV systems as a security feature to prevent accidental operator changes.