1273_BA_E_Rev0 - VOLspeed Yamaha PW
© TLI Elektronik GmbH
At speeds above 25 km/h, it takes a bit longer until the motor assistance kicks in. Why is that?
If you don't pedal at higher speeds, the time is used to adjust the mileage in the motor control unit
to the actual kilometers driven by simulating a high wheel speed. If the pedal is then pressed again,
it takes a little longer for the motor to provide support again. However, the time is significantly less
than one second.
Is the total mileage correct even after removing the module?
Yes, the total kilometers measured by the motor control unit are not changed by the tuning. This is
ensured by a compensation function in the tuning module that works continuously in the
background. However, before removing the module, the bike should be left at a standstill with
Speed Mode switched on until it switches itself off. This ensures that the compensation function has
adjusted the mileage correctly.
However, any wheel circumference adjusted during setup does not affect the odometer reading of
the motor control unit. When the circumference is adjusted, deviations therefore occur in principle.
The displayed speed or the total mileage is not correct. What can I do?
Run the setup again. This will transfer the current mileage from the motor control unit to the tuning
module and you will have the option to readjust the wheel circumference if necessary.