ООО «ТЛК Трейд» | 196158, г.Санкт-Петербург, Пулковское шоссе, д.30, корп.4, оф. 213В (юр.) | ИНН 7810592830 КПП 781001001
р/с 40702810068000007550 | к/с 30101810200000000704 | Филиал ОПЕРУ ОАО Банк ВТБ в Санкт-Петербурге | БИК 044030704
ОКПО 66035862 | ОКАТО 40284565000 | ОГРН 1107847196060 | т.(812)6499888 | http://www.tlct.ru http://www.rftel.ru
ООО «ТЛК Трейд», Санкт-Петербург
+7 812 64 99 888
OFF: EIT will not be inserted into the output stream.
Remove CA: ON: remove the CA descriptors that are carried within the inputted TS over ASI or IP
OFF: keep the CA descriptors
7.5 System
The system page gives all information of this device including device name, serial number, software version, and
so on. User can implement the alarm switch configuration, network settings, TS/IP operation mode and software
upgrade under system page.
Device Label: Check the name and the serial number of this device. User can resign this product name at will,
the device name should be less than 24 characters. The serial number is read-only.
Serial Number: show the serial number for the device, cannot be modified by user.
WEB Auto Refresh Time: set the interval of webpage refresh.
Gigabit Mode: switch the TS/IP operation mode between “Multiple Output” and “Full duplex”. The device will
reboot after change.
IP Control
The network settings for the device can be found and configured under the page below.