ООО «ТЛК Трейд» | 196158, г.Санкт-Петербург, Пулковское шоссе, д.30, корп.4, оф. 213В (юр.) | ИНН 7810592830 КПП 781001001
р/с 40702810068000007550 | к/с 30101810200000000704 | Филиал ОПЕРУ ОАО Банк ВТБ в Санкт-Петербурге | БИК 044030704
ОКПО 66035862 | ОКАТО 40284565000 | ОГРН 1107847196060 | т.(812)6499888 | http://www.tlct.ru http://www.rftel.ru
ООО «ТЛК Трейд», Санкт-Петербург
+7 812 64 99 888
Gateway MAC Address: set the MAC address of the gateway under which the device is connected, this is
necessary when the IP streaming is needed to pass through the gateways
7.4 MUX
The device supports remux the 8 SPTS generated locally with the service(s) carried by the transport stream
inputted via ASI In or TS/IP In (available only under full duplex mode).
The “Output Bit Rate” is the bit rate of the remux output, the value has to be equal or greater than the total bit rate
of the selected services.
Packet Size: set the packet length of the new 188 or 204 Byte
Max Bit Rate (Kbps): Set the bitrate for the new generated MPTS, valid range from 100~216000 Kb/s. The
bitrate should be at least bigger than the total bitrate of selected programs, otherwise, packets may dropout.
TS ID: Set the TSID of the new generated transport stream, valid range from 0 to 65535 decimal
Insert EIT:
ON: insert EIT into the output stream, EIT data may come from ASI or IP input port