Kossel Model A User Manual Page 14
Layer Height (mm):
This describes the Z distance between each layer. For a 0.4 mm nozzle, the average quality can be
achieved with a layer height of 0.2 mm. Average quality is sufficient for most prints except for items with fine details. If a
higher resolution is desired, the layer height setting can be changed to 0.15 mm or 0.1 mm.
Shell Thickness (mm):
This describes the thickness of the outer shell of a printed part. This value must be a multiple of the
nozzle size. For example, when using a 0.4 mm nozzle a 0.8 mm shell thickness is two nozzle widths.
Enable Retraction:
This setting allows the extruder to retract the filament when it is traveling between points during a
print. Retracting the filament will prevent the nozzle from leaving a residue as it travels.
Bottom/Top Thickness (mm):
This describes the thickness of the solid bottom and top layers of a part. This value must be a
multiple of the layer height. For example, a part with a layer height of 0.2 mm will have 3 solid bottom and top layers when
the input is 0.6 mm for this parameter.
Fill Density (%):
This describes the amount of infill that will be printed in a part. Typically, an infill of 20% is sufficient
internal support to make a strong part. Increasing the infill to 70% will make an almost solid part. Click on the
button to
show the Expert config window. In this window, the top and bottom layers can be turned off. For example, a vase can be
made by turning the solid infill top to off and setting the fill density to 0%.
Speed and Temperature
Printing speed (mm/s):
This describes the nozzle speed while printing.
Printing temperature (°C):
This describes the temperature of the hotend while printing. This value can be adjusted
depending on the material being used. PLA should be set between 200 °C - 210 °C.
Bed Temperature (°C):
The TKI Kossel Model A does not have a heated bed. This value can be ignored for the TKI firmware.