2. On-Screen Menus
Main Menu
Auto Program
Ensure all connections have been made following the diagrams on the previous
pages for reference.
When you plug the power cord of this set-top box into a power outlet and press
switch on the front panel, the box will be turn on for the first time.
button on the remote control will switch the set-top box to or
from standby mode.
Turn on the TV set and switch it to external AV mode, you will see the picture
come from the box.
If it is the first time you use this device, an Auto Program menu appears to let
you to scan all the available channels in your area.
Press the
button on the remote control, the main menu will display as
below. the
focus is highlighted as default.
2.1 Auto Program
Au to Program
If it's th e first tim e you us e th e box, you sho uld sca n a ll th e TV ch anne ls f irst,
press t he a rro w butto ns t o move the curso r to
in main menu ,
press t he
bu tt on to confirm, yo u will see be low m enu wh ich indi cate s au to
se arch is in p roce ss. Af ter all ch anne ls in your a re a a re fou nd, you will see th e
first foun d ch anne l showin g on the scree n. Any tim e if you wan t to start auto
ch anne l se arch aga in, you can follo w the above p ro cedu re .
Main Menu
Aut o Program
Manual Channel Set
Pas sword
Parental Contr ols
Adv anc ed C losed Capt ion
Aut o Power Down Timer
Smart A ntenna
To Exit
To Move
To Se lec t
E xit
Scan ning
Au to p rog ra m Menu
Per forming First Pass
Digital Channels Found
Progress (%)
Ch ann el 17
Au top ro gram M enu
Searching digital channels
Digital Channels Found
To E xit
To Mo ve
To S ele ct
Ex it
Ini tial Set up Menu
Menu Language
A uto Prog ram
En gli sh
"pdfFactory Pro"
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