Welcome to the world of Digital TV
All se t top boxes (STB) have been tested in the factory for proper operation. In case yo u
experience any problems, please follow these simple step s to troubleshoot your proble ms.
Please make su re your TV and STB are plugged in and powered up, and that the STB is properly
connected to yo ur TV by either a RF cable or a A/V cable se t (red white yellow connectors on
each end) following the guideline below. Don't forget to properly insert batteries into the remo te
control u nit.
Connection option RF:
The STB can be operated in RF mode to connect to your TV. In this case the RF-OUT conn ector
of the STB conn ects to your An ten na Input on your TV. Your TV must be tuned to either channel
3 or 4 and the STB need s to be set to the corresponding channel selected on theback of the STB
by utilizing the small slide switch.
Connection option A/V:
If you TV is equipped with an A/V input, sometimes referred to as AV1 or AVin, Then you ma y want
to choose the A/V connection for a be tter quality picture. A RF connection as described above has
some inh erent limitation and a somewhat lower quality than A/V.
Please make yo ur connection before turning on your devices and plug in the yellow terminated
cable to the AV-in on your TV and the AV-out on the STB. Similarly, conne ct the red and white
te rminated cable to the corresponding Audio-in on your TV and Au dio-ou t on the STB.
Once a connection utilizing option RF or option A/V is mad e turn on your TV first and then your
STB. The STB is turned on by pressin g the power button on the front, or usin g the remote, power
up the STB. You should see a logo come up on your TV as the STB turns on.
Since channel programing is different in various regions, you must set up your set top box with
your channels b y using the auto scan fea ture.
Make sure a suitable antenna is connected to the antenna input, la beled as RF-In on the STB,
and a fter turning on your TV and STB, press the Menu b utton on your remote . Use the cursor
keys around the OK bu tton to move th e highlighted field to Channe l-Scan and press OK. You
may need to reorient your antenna to achieve best results. If you have an external a ntenna, it
may have already been oriented such that it point to the transmitter stations.
To help in orienting your antenna, a signal strength indicator can b e turned on in the STB. Use
th e menu bu tton and select signal strength o r signa l qu ality item to display a signal quality bar
on the scree n.
Although digital TV will give a very clear picture when a signal is received in sufficient strength, a
weak sig nal will result in dropouts or no pictu re at all. Analog stations would just be received with
noise in the sound and snow in the picture, Digital transmissions will drop out or have large blocks
of images missings if the RF signal is of insufficient strength or quality. Reorienting your antenna
or getting a better quality antenna may solve this problem. Some experimenting may be required
to obtain the best results.
Than k you for choo sing a Tivax Se t Top Box and enjoy the new world of Digital Te levision.
Welcome to the world of Digital TV
"pdfFactory Pro"
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