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Ref: SKU 224
By default the Netmaster has the IP address
and this is the access point to change any settings.
Access the NetMaster
To access the NetMaster, you will need to be on the same subnet as it, i.e. 192.168.1.x. This can be done in one of two
ways: an Ethernet crossover cable or a network router/switch/hub.
Using a Network Router/Switch/Hub
To connect via network router, the router must be setup for the Network 192.168.1.x. There must be no other device on
the network with the IP address To setup your network router please consult the manual.
Once setup, connect your NetMaster to the router with an Ethernet cable and connect your computer either wirelessly or
via an Ethernet cable. You should now be able to access the NetMaster.
Using an Ethernet crossover cable
Connect one end of your Ethernet crossover cable to your computer’s Ethernet port, and the other end to your
NetMaster’s Ethernet port.
You will need to make sure that your network adapter settings are correct to communicate with the NetMaster.
To do this, go to Control Panel and select Network and Sharing Center: