TTB776VAC by
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Safety information
Residual risks
Even if you are operating this product in accordance
with all the safety requirements, potential risks of
injury and damage remain. The following dangers can
arise in connection with the structure and design of
this product:
> Health defects resulting from vibration emission if the
product is being used over long periods of time or not
adequately managed and properly maintained.
> Injuries and damage to property due to broken
accessories or the sudden impact of hidden objects
during use.
Danger of injury and property damage caused by flying
The following information applies to professional users
only but is good practice for all users:
Additional safety warnings for construction dust
The updated Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Regulations 1st October 2012 now also targets to reduce
the risks associated with silica, wood and gypsum dusts.
Construction workers are one of the at-risk groups within
this because of the dust that they breathe: silica dust is not
just a nuisance; it is a real risk to your lungs!
Silica is a natural mineral present in large amounts
in things like sand, sandstone and granite. It is also
commonly found in many construction materials such as
concrete and mortar. The silica is broken into very fine
dust (also known as Respirable Crystalline Silica or RCS)
during many common tasks such as cutting, drilling and