MacFinish 2HS 500 manual
other, enabling the receiver to correctly receive the infrared light from the transmitter. You can later
verify this, when you have powered the MacFinish system with a battery; the led on the arrival
remote control box should be out.
TimeTronics also offers their customers a DOUBLE CHANNEL photocell pole, which is
completely compatible with the (older) single channel (=standard) finish detector. This double
channel version is a blue lacquered aluminium bar with TWO build-in photocell beams, and an
electronic circuit, to give the MacFinish an arrival signal only when BOTH parallel beams are broken.
The purpose of the two beams is that the scoreboard can now be stopped (showing the UNOFFICIAL
time of the first competitor) when the body or torso of an athlete is passing the finish line, and not
yet when a hand of a competitor is blocking a single infra-red beam ! The result is a (statistically)
more correct (unofficial) time on the scoreboard, and on television ! We can not GUARANTEE that it
will always be more correct, because it could still be possible that the hand of one athlete is blocking
the upper beam, and the hand of another athlete is blocking the lower beam.
This is only the case if nobody stands between the detectors, if both detectors are correctly
pointed towards each other and if the photocell transmitter is powered with a battery!
From a distance it is easier to verify the adjustment of the photocell transmitter and receiver
than from a short distance, in other words; stand a few meters behind and besides the photocells to
check the direction of the photocell transmitter and receiver modules. Manual Finish Push Button
MacFinish can also be used without the use of photocells. In that case, recording of a photo-finish
picture will be done manually by operating the 'Manual Arrival' Button:
Photo: Manual Finish Push Button
2.4.3 Arrival Remote Control Box
The use of any finish detector can be combined with an 'Arrival Remote Control box', equipped with
an 'Off/Auto/Manual switch' plus a 'led' which indicates the status of the finish detector:
Photo: Arrival Remote Control Box
Connect the plug of the 'Arrival Remote Control box' to 'Arrival Remote Control' at the front panel of
the 'MacFinish Interface Box'. The switch on the control box makes it possible for the operator to
disable ('off' position) or enable ('auto' position) the finish detector (photocells), for example if some
athletes are passing the finish line, but you do not want to take a picture, if they still have to run
one or more laps. The third position of the remote control switch (press completely down) is to