MacFinish 2HS 500 manual
4.1 In general
Open the software by double clicking on the MacFinish 2HS 500 icon
Photo: MacFinish
500 icon
If you open the software, you will see the main page of the software. Our software has a particular
structure. First of all, it has 5
tabs (see picture below)
on your left hand side (File/Camera,
Position/Zoom, Image, Export, Results).
Photo: Camera/File tab
Every tab contains different
(see picture below).
These part are built up by items, check
boxes, line bars, (as on the picture) … In the middle there is a gray window which displays the
different parts, items, check boxes, ... of the tabs.
Photo: Virtual Photo cells part
On top of this gray window there is a white field which shows you in what
you are operating.
There are 8 different mode, which all have a different purpose.
1. Position mode
2. Zoom mode
3. Pixel Shift mode
4. Photocell mode
5. Delete mode
6. BW Calibration mode
7. Debug mode
8. Second View mode
Photo: Position Mode