MacFinish 2HS 500 manual
Photo: Camera lens
2.3 Steamy lenses
You could sometimes struggle with a steamy lens in hot and moist countries. When having stored
the equipment in a cool or air-conditioned room, the wet air may start condensing on the cold lens
glass during the first quarter of an hour when exposed to this ‘tropical’ weather. Water may start
dropping from the lens. In this case, we recommend you to just wait for a quarter of an hour to
have the equipment adapted to this new temperature. Subsequently, you should dry both the lens
glass and the CCD-sensor with a dry and clean cloth.
2.4 Interface Box
The Interface Box is used to connect the camera with different serial ports like the start detector, the
finish detector, Arrival Remote Control, ScoreBoard, WindSpeed, FieldTerminal and battery
The different serial ports are explained below:
Photo: Interface Box
2.4.1 Start detection
The system can use different start signal sources, depending on which sport the system is being
used for:
• starting pistol, for example with athletics
• manual start push button, for example with road cycling races of many hours.
• cable to be connected to a starting switch of the race track, for example at greyhound
Plug the cable of the chosen start-sensor into 'Start' = leftmost connection on the front of the
'MacFinish Interface Box',
in the start connection of the 12-wire cabling system (cable-reel or