The K220 has an output (pin 5 on the USB2 / Cont rol Connector) which can be connected to
a suitable actuat or such as a buzzer/ vibrator or LE D (see page 10 for wiring diagram). This is
intended to give a discreet covert indication of various user defined conditions.
Power On Feedback
– The vibrator output will produce 1-5 short or long pulses when the
K220 is turned on and recording commences.
Power Off Feedback
– The vibrator output will produce 1-5 short or long pulses when the
K220 is turned off and recording ceases.
Capacity Feedback
– The vibrator output will produce 1-5 short or long pulses when the
K220 disk space is a user defined perc entage used from 1 -100%. There are 5 independent
settings allowing the user to set various patterns of pulses for different percentages used.