9. Slide the spacer over the cores.
10. Solder the cores into the solder buckets of the ins ert. *This is Tricky!*. Start from pin 1
(the centre connector) and use a minimal amount of solder in order to minimise the
risk of short circuits. A ‘helping hands’ tool is very useful here.
11. Wire the connector up as per the diagram below.
Fig 4. Connections
12. Once all the connections have been made, trim back any unused cores as close to
the stripped end as possible.
13. Slide the space up towards the insert. If you rotat e the space around the cable, you
will find that it ‘keys’ into the insert in one position only.
14. Slide the collet into the spac e, trapping the splayed out screen (if present ) between
the collet and the spacer. Trim the screen that prot rudes from this gap.
15. Slide the plug body over the ins ert and onto the cable
NOTE - The insert will only go into the plug in one way. It is keyed to align with the
keying in the body. Some pressure i s needed once these align, but no more than
gentle pressure is needed once it has aligned.
16. When the insert is nearly fully home, rotate the collet around the cable so the small
bump on the collet aligns with the slot in the body. Once these align, the insert and
cable can be pushed fully home.
17. Push the collet up into the body as far as you can.
18. Tighten the cable clamp onto the body. Your connector is now complete and ready for