6. Operation
• The required boost time is selected by pressing the button
marked boost, repeatedly. The LEDs adjacent to the time markers
will light up in sequence, showing the selected boost period.
• Sequence below is for the FBT4 (For the FBT5 substitute
the stated times for 1 hour, 2 hour, 3 hour and 4 hour);
First push gives ¼ hour boost (LED opposite ¼ is ON)
Second push gives ½ hour boost (LED opposite ½ is ON)
Third push gives 1 hour boost (LED opposite 1 is ON)
Fourth push gives 2 hour boost (LED opposite 2 is ON)
Fifth push returns to zero boost (all LEDs are OFF).
• Once the boost selected is underway, the LEDs will go out
sequentially, indicating the approximate boost time remaining.
Example: 2 hour boost has been set, all LEDs are on;
After 58 minutes the 2 hour LED will flash for two minutes,
and then go out indicating 1 hour remaining.
After a further 28 minutes, the 1 hour LED will flash for two minutes,
and then go out indicating ½ hour remaining. After a further
13 minutes, the ½ hour LED will flash for two minutes, and then
go out indicating 15 minutes remaining.
After a further 13 minutes the ¼ hour LED will flash for two minutes,
and then go out, indicating that the boost period has finished.
• In this way the user has an approximate guide to the remaining
duration of the boost.
• If the boost button is pushed and held down, the LEDs will cycle
upwards with 1 second between each change, in sequence
¼, ½, 1, 2, OFF.