7.1 Basic Maintenance
The SpaceCom IP321 Maritime Antenna is designed for a long maintenance free life.
However, it is important to install the antenna correctly, not blocking the drain holes in the
bottom of the radome and pole mount and keeping the associated cables free from
damage and water ingress (see Chapter 5). Proper sealing of coax connectors and
fastening of cables will ensure long and trouble-free service.
7.2 System fault finding
If for some reason the system can not connect to the Thuraya network the following things
must be checked with respect to the antenna installation. For fault finding on the Thuraya
IP terminal, refer to its manual.
1. Check all cables are correctly connected.
2. Check the antenna is detected by the terminal.
a. Go to the web interface on the terminal and under the fan “Status” check that
the Satellite Antenna Type reads: “Active External”, see Figure 6.
b. If Satellite Antenna Type differs from “Active External” go to point 3 else the
antenna is detected and tracking a satellite, go to point 4.
3. The terminal has not detected the antenna. Perform the following.
a. Check the antenna is powered. This is be done first by switching off the
antenna on the antenna power supply, AS03951. Switch on the antenna
power supply, AS03951 and hear that the antenna is moving.
b. If the antenna is not moving check the fuse in the antenna power supply and
power connection to the antenna power supply, AS03951.
c. If antenna is moving check cable connection between antenna power supply,
AS03951 and Thuraya IP terminal. After checking the connection the
terminal must be restarted with the antenna power up first. Then go to point 2
4. Switch tracking beacon as described in section 6.2 and restart Thuraya IP terminal.
If the above does not solve the problem, contact the Thuraya team with information of
terminal type, antenna type and antenna serial number. Antenna type and serial number is
found on the antenna radome bottom on a silver label marked with P/N and S/N.