21.Assemble the fuel tank by first cutting the silicone
tube to 2-1/2'' in length. Press the straight plastic nipple
(the 90 degree nipple is not used in this plane) into the
rubber stopper (Saliva will ease insertion.) Now slip the
silicone tubing onto the nipple and insert the metal clunk
into the other end of the tubing. Insert this assembly into
the tank (clunk first) and securely tighten the threaded
cap on to hold everything together.
22. Attach a 6'' piece of standard fuel line (not furnished)
to both the fuel outlet nipple and the vent nipple on the
Slide the fuel tank (cap end first) into the front of the
fuselage, threading the fuel lines through the oblong
hole in the firewall. The tubing coming from the tank's
fuel outlet (center) goes to the carb and the tubing from
the vent (upper) goes to the muffler's pressure fitting.
Trim the length as needed. The tank fits tightly in the
2 3 . L o c a t e t h e w i n d s h i e l d a n d w i n d o w . T r i m t h e
windshield and window along with the molded cutting
line with curved scissors.
24.Put the windshield on the front fuselage. It is held in
place with eight 2X5 wood screws. You will need to drill
a 1/16'' pilot hole for each screw first. Glue the window
onto the windshield with CA.
25.Remove the elevator and rudder and glue the hinges
into the control surfaces using the same technique
outlined for the ailerons.
26. Trim away the covering from the slot at the rear of
fuselage where vertical fin and horizontal stab go.
27. Use ruler to decide the center of stab and make
marks. With the main wing centered on the fuselage,
position the horizontal stab first then you can see the
marks you drew through the slot. Then, position vertical
fin. Use a felt trip pen or marker to draw lines along the
fuselage sides. Do not forget drawing lines at the
bottom side of stab.
28.Remove the stab and fin from the fuselage and use a
hobby knife to carefully score the covering material
where marked. Make the score approximately 1/16''
inside the lines you drew. It is very important that you do
not press hard enough to cut into the wood itself or the
stabilizer may fail in flight. Just score the covering and it
will peel away nicely.
In a similar fashion, remove the covering material on the
vertical fin.
29.Glue the stab and fin to the fuselage with epoxy,
keeping the stab and fin in position as diagram shown.
The fin is perpendicular to the stab. Both stab tips to the
main wing are equal from the rear view (A=A')
30. Remove the covering on the slot. The rudder and
elevator pushrods have already been pre-assembled at
the factory. Insert the rudder pushrods which is bent at
the thread end , thread end first, into the fuselage and
exits the slot on the top of the rear fuselage. Locate the
clevis, thread the clevis onto the threaded end at least
1/4'' in length.
31.Locate the control horns and 2X12mm screws. Snap
the clevis onto the control horns. Now position this horn
onto the Rudder in such a way that the nyrod runs
straight and the holes in the control horn are in line with
the hinge line of the stabilizer. Mark the location of the
control horn mounting holes on the elevator. Next, drill
5/64'' holes where marked.
Tiger Trainer