1. Make sure that the transmitter battery is fully charged before flying.
2. Make sure all control surfaces are operated properly before flying.
3. Do a range check of the radio before the first flight. The electronic equipment must operate properly
at a range of at least 5 meters (18 ft) even with the transmitter antenna collapsed.
4. Make sure there are no other pilots using the same radio frequency with yours and that there are no
other radio interference on your frequency.
5. Be sure to turn on the transmitter first with the throttle stick in the idle position. Plug the battery into the
ESC last.
6. The main rotor and the tail rotor spin at very high RPM. Make sure nothing can come in contact with
the rotor blades during flight.
7. Always maintain a safe distance from the helicopter during flight.
8. Never fly the helicopter in the rain or in excessive wind conditions.
9. Always operate and fly the helicopter in a safe and responsible manner.
10. Never fly the helicopter over other pilots, spectators, cars or anything that could result in injury or
property damage.
1. 確認接收機與發射機電池,均已確實充電完成。
2. 確認所有操控介面運作順暢。
3. 確認無其他無線電波干擾,且不與其他同好同時使用相同頻率。
4. 確實將油門搖桿放置於低速,再將發射機電源開啟,然後再將電池接上。
6. 主旋翼與尾旋翼轉速相當高,運轉時須避免任何障礙物與旋翼接觸。
7. 飛行時,需與遙控直升機保持安全距離。
8. 勿於下雨天或是強風的狀態下操控遙控直升機。
9. 請以安全為第一考量,並以高度負責任的態度參與遙控直升機活動。
10. 禁止於人群、車輛..或任何其他障礙物上方飛行遙控直升機,避免意外發生。
1. Inspect the model thoroughly to insure no parts have come loose or become damaged during the flight
and landing. Replace damaged parts and tighten loose screws before flying again.
2. Clean the helicopter body.
3. Lubricate all moving parts to ensure smooth operation for the next flying.
4. Replace any worn ball links and damaged bearings.
5. Store the model in a cool, dry place. Avoid putting it under direct sunlight or near a source of heat.
Following these simple rules will allow you to enjoy the thrill of model helicopter flying for many years.
1. 飛行結束後確認機體所有的零件與螺絲是否有損壞或鬆動,更換損壞零件與確實固定鬆動的螺絲。
2. 機體清潔乾淨。
3. 檢查所有活動零組件是否運作順暢,以利下次飛行。
4. 更換所有鬆動的連桿、接頭,以及損壞的軸承。
5. 將機體存放於陰涼通風處,避免機體放置於陽光直射處或接近熱源。
When the model has crashed, inspect the flybar, rotor shaft and the blade spindle to make sure they are
not bent. If any item is damaged, it must be replaced with a new part to ensure safe operation. Do not
glue any broken or damaged plastic parts. Do not repair broken rotor blades. It is very important to
inspect the motor, speed control and the battery.
Always inspect the following items:
Gears, Ball links, Link rods, Bearings, Main shaft, Flybar, Spindle, Tail boom and support, Fins, Tail rotor
shaft, Belt, Main blades, Tail blades, the Motor, the Speed control and the Battery.