31. Locate the EDS( electric drive system) and
remove the spinner and nuts. Note: remove the
nose cone by rotating it counter-clockwise about
1/4 turn.
32. Install the power drive unit in place with two 3x20
wood screws. Thread the motor wire through the
33. Trim the cowling as shown.
34. Locate the black vacuum form dummy engine
and install it in the cowling. You may leave the
engines and trim away the excess. This is to get
more air to cool down the hot battery and motor.
35. Secure the cowling on the wood blocks with
three 2x5mm wood screws.
36. Make sure the shaft is a little bit free play when
you pull and push. If it is too tight then loose the
nut for more space.
37. Install the propeller and spinner. It is necessary
to secure the propeller firmly by a 3mm nut.
Always take great care on the motor and
swinging propeller as it is dangerous and may
cause serious injury, if you are a beginner we
recommend you read the manual of radio and
speed controller thoroughly to understand how
to set up and control the motor.