all the way through. These are where the
pushrod and Nyrod will exit the wing when the
radio is installed. Repeat for the right wing
panel by putting the template on the wing
upside down.
PRE-ASSEMBLY-Cutting away
covering material
In the following steps, you will be cutting
away covering material in preparation for gluing.
You have to be careful here. When cutting way
the covering, you need to use a sharp modeling
knife and only score the film itself. DO NOT cut
into the wood below the covering. If you do, the
structure of the airplane will be compromised
and failure may occur. Use a felt-tip pen to mark
the cutting locations as instructed.
Begin with the fuselage/wing joint. Slip the
wing joiner into the slot in the fuselage and the
1/4" alignment dowel into the hole at the rear of
the wing location. It helps insertion if you round
over the edges of both the joiner and the dowel.
Slide both wing halves onto the wing
joiner/dowel until they butt up to the fuselage
side. Mark the fuselage around the outer
perimeter of wing. Remove the wing and care-
fully score the covering about 1/8" on the
INSIDE of these marks and peel off the cover-
ing to reveal raw wood at the wing/fuselage
Put the fin into place in the slot in the rear of
the top of the fuselage. Mark the fin on both
sides where it meets the top edge of the fuse.
Take the fin out and remove the covering mate-
rial about 1/32" below your mark.
Slip the stabilizer into its slot in the fuselage.
Using a ruler to center the stabilizer and a T-
square to make sure it is perpendicular to the
fuselage, mark where the fuselage meets the
stabilizer on the top and bottom. Slide the stab
out and remove the covering material about
1/32” on the inside of your marks.
In the following steps, you will be mounting
the control surfaces by gluing the hinges in
place. All of the slotting has been done for you,
so it requires very little work. Begin by test fit-
ting the ailerons to the wing, the elevator to the
stabilizer and the rudder to the fin.
To help prevent glue from restricting the
hinge action, put a small drop of oil on the
moveable part of each hinge, being careful not
to get any oil on the flat surfaces of the hinges.
Lay them on a paper towel to absorb the excess
We prefer to use 30 minute epoxy and do all
the hinging at one time.
The easiest way to accomplish this task is
to evenly coat the top and bottom surfaces of
one half of a hinge and slip it into its slot in the
control surface; do the same for the other
hinges in the control surface. This lets the con-
trol surface itself be your holding fixture. Then
coat both sides of the exposed half of all the
hinges. Next, slide the control surface in place,
starting at one end or the other.
Keep paper towels and some rubbing alco-
hol handy to clean up epoxy fingerprints on the
covering material before it sets.