Using epoxy, glue the tailwheel assembly in
place. Secure the tailwheel in place with the
wheel collar and set screw furnished.
Mount the engine in place with four M3 X
30mm bolts, nuts, and washers.
Mount the tank in place with “U” and “L”
shaped music wire brackets furnished. They
are inserted from the right side of the fuselage
through the holes you drilled earlier and then
bent over with a needle nosed pliers to form a
hook for rubber bands which in turn, secure the
Now that your Fun Tiger is “up on its feet”,
use a triangle to check and see if it sits perpen-
dicular to the work surface; slightly bend the
landing gear as necessary. Now, as you install
the wing and tail, you can easily check align-
Once again, test fit the wing onto the fuse-
lage with the wing joiner and the alignment
dowel in place. When satisfied, use 30-minute
epoxy to glue the wing in place, making sure
you generously butter both sides of the wing
joiner plus where the wing root surfaces meet
the fuselage sides. Use a paper towel damp-
ened with alcohol to remove the excess epoxy.
Make sure the wing remains in complete
contact with the fuselage as the glue sets.
Using epoxy, join the control surfaces to the
flight surfaces with the hinges: rudder/fin, stabi-
lizer/elevator, right wing/right aileron, and left
wing/left aileron. Keep the gap between the sur-
faces at a minimum.
When the epoxy has set, remove any
excess and check for free movement of the sur-
faces. Give a firm tug to each surface to make
sure the hinges are securely glued in; remem-
ber, this is a wild airplane and much stress is
placed on the control surfaces.
Tank/Landing Gear/Engine
Assemble the fuel tank by first cutting the sil-
icone tube to 2-1/2" in length. Press the straight
plastic nipple (the 90 degree nipple is not used
in this plane) into the rubber stopper until the
molded-in ring is against the stopper. Rubbing
alcohol applied to the nipple will make it slip
inside the stopper easier. Now slip the silicone
tubing onto the nipple and insert the metal clunk
into the other end of the tubing. Insert this
assembly into the tank (clunk first) and securely
tighten the threaded cap to hold everything
Bolt the right and left aluminum landing gear
onto the fuselage using four M3 X 30mm bolts
and nuts. Note that the straight edge of the
landing gear goes to the front of the fuselage.
Mount the wheels using M4 X 30mm socket
head bolts as an axle and two nuts on either
side of the landing gear to secure it.