Locate the nylon control horns. Cut them
apart and remove any flashing. Put a control
horn in position on the elevator so the nyrod
lines up nicely and the holes in the control horn
line up with the hinge line. Make sure the horn
is located on solid wood. Drill 5/64" holes in the
elevator to accommodate the mounting screws
for the horn. (A drop of CyA glue will hold the
horn in position while drilling.) Mount the horn
in place with two 2mm X 12mm screws and the
nylon screw plate.
Making sure the other end of the inner nyrod
is still hooked to the servo, cut the outer nyrod
to within about 1-1/2" of the elevator control
horn. Next, cut the inner nyrod to the proper
length to accommodate the threaded stud and
clevis so you get neutral elevator when you
snap the clevis onto the control horn. Make
sure you allow for threading the stud into both
the inner nyrod and the clevis for about 3/8".
After you cut the nyrod, go ahead and thread
the stud and clevis in place and hook the clevis
up to the control horn.
Secure the outer nyrod to the sides of the
fuselage in two places using the furnished
clamps and screws. These two places are, one:
where the vertical support member exists in-
between the two large open bays in the fuse-
lage and, two: where there is “meat” right below
the front of the elevator.
Repeat this procedure for the rudder nyrod
linkage on the right side of the fuselage.
Aileron Linkage
Hookup to the aileron is done with two
threaded rods with clevises/control horns on
the control surface end and a “Z-Bend” on the
servo end.
You will need to drill a 1/8" hole through the
balsa webbing on the inside of the wing to allow
the wire to reach the servo
Slip one of the threaded rods for the aileron
linkage through the slot in the wing and thread
on a clevis. Mount a control horn on the aileron
surface in the same manner as you did for the
elevator and rudder, keeping it parallel with the
Put a “Z” bend in the servo end at the prop-
er location so you get neutral aileron when the
servo is in neutral. Cut away the excess wire
and install the servo arm on the servo with the
linkage in place.
Repeat for the other aileron.
Throttle Linkage
Throttle linkage consists of a piece of music
wire inside a nylon tube with a “Z-Bend” on the
servo end and an “EZ Connector” on the carbu-
retor arm.
First, a 1/8" hole needs to be drilled through
the leading edge of the wing to accommodate
the nylon tubing. The easiest way to do this is
with a long drill bit from the outside of the wing
through the the radio compartment. “Eyeball”
the hole so the linkage will be a straight line
between the throttle arm on the engine and the
servo arm.
Install the nylon tube in the hole you just
drilled and glue in place.
Complete the linkage using the furnished
“EZ Connector” secured to the throttle arm with
nut furnished. A set screw locks the music wire
where needed. A “Z” bend links the music wire
at the servo end.
The receiver and battery pack are located in
the area between the two servos in the left
wing. Use as much foam as you can in the
limited room available but make sure there is no
bind on the linkage.
Mount the switch on the left hatch cover,
making sure it clears the internal components.