1. Carefully trim the strut mount hole in square then
trial fit the strut mount in the hole. Make sure the
strut mount is level with the wing surface.
2. Mix the furnished 5-min Epoxy to glue the strut
mount. Hint: Apply equal volume of cement in
bottle A and B on a cardboard then fully mix
them with a small stick. Note: This 5-min Epoxy
allows working time of only 3 minutes after
3. For novice, we would recommend to epoxy one
strut mount at one time. Note the orientation
(see next step) of strut mount and make sure it is
level with the wing surface.
4. The finished strut mounts are shown.
5. Locate the wing center cover, use 100 grit sand
paper( not furnished) slightly sand the contact
area of center wing cover.
6. Trial fit the wing halves on center wing cover.
Make sure the wing root contacts the center wing
cover rib.
Wing Assembly