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2.3 Safety Precautions when Operating the Device
In your thunder laser MARS-120, a closed safety system is integrated which immediately
switches off the power to the laser tube when the protection cover is opened.
Consequently an incomplete engraving can occur if the cover is opened during operation.
Therefore, first press the "PAUSE" button, if you want to interrupt an engraving process.
Please remember the following safety precautions when working with this device:
A fire extinguisher must always be handy as the laser beam can ignite flammable
materials. Do not store any flammable materials in the inside of the device or in the
immediate vicinity of the device. Particularly leftovers of produced materials have to be
removed to prevent fire hazard.
Unsupervised operation of the system is not permitted:
Because of their low absorption many metals, in particular un-coated aluminum, copper,
silver and gold cannot be processed with the laser and lead to high reflections of the laser
beam. Such materials must not be inserted into the beam, as a directed reflection could
destroy the protection cover.
Adjustment of the beam path must be performed only by especially trained personnel. An
improper setting can lead to uncontrolled emission of the laser radiation.
Before processing materials the user must verify, whether harmful materials can be
generated and whether the filter equipment of the exhaust system is suitable for the
harmful materials. We emphasize that it is the responsibility of the user, to consider the
national and regional threshold values for dust, fogs and gases when selecting the filters
and the exhaust system. (The values for the maximum workplace concentration must not
be exceeded.)
Please refer to the manual of the exhaust system on how and in what intervals you need
to replace filters.
PVC (polyvinyl chloride) must under no circumstances be processed with the laser.
Should you have further questions before starting work, please feel free to write us