snacks and reading books; older brothers and sisters love
pulling up a stool to play! As your child grows, the Bobbin has
an adjustable platform that gives you fi ve height options, and
it won’t take them long to learn the seat rotates to give them a
360° view.
When your child begins to toddle around simply replace the
infant seat with the PitStop Toddler Table insert. The PitStop
makes a great table for little ones learning to walk as its heavy
base makes it sturdy enough to handle leaning and pushing,
and the rounded table has no corners in case of falls. As well,
the chalkboard top lets toddlers practice their emerging
drawing skills.
Once your little guy or gal is walking and able to sit on a stool
just remove the Bobbin top and fl ip the whole thing over.
Voila - the perfect kids table! And at this stage, that little
height adjustable platform becomes a shelf that lets you stow
colouring essentials close at hand.
The Bobbin is designed to be a functional, beautilful and
enduring addition to your home and family. Its simple hardware,
well designed details and ability to be fl at packed ensure the
Bobbin will be around for as long as you need it.