Chapter 2 Introduction and Overview
2.1 Introduction
The T-Cube DC Servo Controller (TDC001) is a new very compact single channel
controller/driver for easy manual and automatic control of DC Servo motors. This
driver has been designed to operate with a variety of lower powered DC brushed
motors (up to 15V/2.5W operation) equipped with encoder feedback. The TDC001
has been optimised for 'out of the box' operation with the Thorlabs range of Z6 DC
motor equipped opto-mechanical products, however highly flexible software settings
and closed loop tuning also supports operation with a wide range of third party DC
Servo motors and associated stages/actuators.
Although compact in footprint, this unit offers a fully featured motion control capability
including velocity profile settings, limit switch handling, “on the fly” changes in motor
speed and direction, control over the closed loop PID parameters and, for more
advanced operation, adjustment of settings such as lead screw pitch and gearbox
ratio, allowing support for many different actuator configurations.
For convenience the footprint of this unit has been kept to a minimum, measuring only
60mm x 60mm x 47mm (2.4” x 2.4” x 1.8”) and with the facility to directly mount to the
optical table close to the motorised device - convenient when manually adjusting
motor positions using the top panel controls (jog buttons and velocity control slider).
Table top operation also allows minimal drive cable lengths for easier cable
Fig. 2.1 T-Cube DC Servo Motor Driver