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power cable to the AC/AC adaptor. 

CAUTION! Never plug or unplug a motor while the Ps
800 is running. It will be damaged!

The Ps 800 power pack gets warm make sure that it is stan-
ding free so that the air can circulate.
On the Front of the Ps 800 are 2 switches. The left one is
for switching the Ps 800 on and off. An LED indicates the
operation. The right one is the speed selector. The you can
select between 33 and 45 rpm. 

Because of an overload protection you must let the
turntable run for 33 rpm before switching to 45rpm. If
you do not do that the turntable will not spin at 45rpm.

Connecting the tonearm

Use the supplied RCA cable(Blue) and plug it into the plugs
on the back side of the turntable behind the tonearm. White
is left and red is right channel.
If your tonearm has not been supplied from Thorens please

use the manual supplied with the tonearm to make the
connection correct. This is only for turntables with Thorens
TP 250 or TP 300 tonearm factory mounted.

So now your turntable is ready to play.

If you have any questions please contact our service at:
e-mail: [email protected]
or your local distributor.

Thorens TP 300

Anti Skating(Bias) adjustment

Set the bias adjustment knob to the same number as the
tracking force. NOTE: This setting is not critical and a figu-
re of 1-1.5g will normally be suitable for moving magnet car-
tridges and 1.5-2g for most of the MC cartridges.
