Next we'll do the two IC's, NE5532 dual op-amps. Remove one from the tape. Take some time to
inspect the device.
Similar to the diodes that you just installed, you'll notice that the IC legs are bent outwards and
downwards, much like the diodes you just installed. As with the diodes, you need to install the
device with these legs in contact with the pads on the PCB.
Unlike through hole IC's, many surface mount IC's don't have a dimple or crescent embossed into
the casing to identify the location of pin 1. Instead, they have a sloped upper edge on the side with
pin 1. The other side has a vertical face. If you look at the silk screen for the two ICs on your PCB,
you'll notice that it has both the usual dot adjacent to pin 1, but also a second line along one side.
This second line represents the sloped edge. The sloped edge on the IC should be placed along this.
MTM SimpleEQ 1206 build doc v1.3
Page 19
Illustration 23: Surface mount dual op-amp, NE5532
Illustration 24: Surface mount op-amp showing sloped edge on the top left
corner of the packaging.