Once you're happy with the placement of the resistors, it's time to progress on to the ceramic
capacitors. As with the resistors, these are non-polarised, meaning they can be oriented in either
direction on the PCB. Unlike the resistors, you'll notice that these are not flat, but have a square
profile. With these it doesn't matter which face is pointing upwards, as you'll see they don't have a
value printed on any face.
Start with the 5 x 100nF capacitors designated C1, C7, C8, C11, C12. Use exactly the same
procedure to solder these capacitors as you used for the resistors. Again, you might want to offer up
one of the capacitors to it's pads before you start to solder, so you get an idea of how the capacitor
will locate on the pads.
MTM SimpleEQ 1206 build doc v1.3
Page 14
Illustration 15: surface mount ceramic capacitor
Illustration 16: ceramic capacitor aligned on PCB pads