VIDeo, PHoTo anD mUSIc STReamInG oVeR YoUR Home neTwoRk
For a quick move to a desired position, mark the channel by pressing the
button, press
button and enter the number of the preferred position.
11.0 VIDeo, PHoTo anD mUSIc STReamInG oVeR YoUR Home neTwoRk
The receiver will seamlessly and securely connect to your PC over your home network, stream video,
music and photos from shared folders and allow you to use your PC as a remote storage for recording and
playback of your favourite TV programmes.
accessing shared folders on connected devices i.e. Pcs or network attached Storage (naS) drives
login user name
for the shared folder you wish to access (or leave empty if shared folders
are not protected)
Select a connected device on your home network and access shared folders on the device.
11.1 Flash content support by the web browser
The web browser embedded in your receiver is compatible with HTML5 and CE-HTML and its video player
supports the standard MPEG-2/MPEG-4 audio/video formats. Web content that is provided in Flash format
is not supported and may result in an error pop up message suggesting to install a Flash plug-in. However
such plug-in installation is not available for the receiver due to the strict security requirements.
12.0 TRoUbleSHooTInG
There may be various reasons for abnormal operation of the receiver. Please check the receiver according to the
procedures shown below. If the receiver does not work properly after checking it, please contact your local service
line or THOMSON dealer. Alternatively you can send a support e-mail via our website:
NEVER open or disassemble your receiver. This may cause a dangerous situation and will void the warranty.
There is no image, no
sound, no display
There is no no power supply
Check the connection cables
There is a short circuit in coaxial
Disconnect device from mains power supply,
eliminate the short circuit in the coaxial cable
or connections, reconnect, and activate
Cables are missing or defective. Check your connecting cables
A wrong video format was
selected in the OSD settings
Check the settings to make sure your TV
supports the selected format
There are small
blocks in the video,
occasionally no sound,
occasionally no signal
The signal is too weak
Check for defective cables or connectors
Alternatively, reduce the coaxial cable length
The displayed time
differs from the current
Incorrect time settings are in
Check the settings and correct the time
programmes are not
The smart card is not correctly
Please re-insert the card
The smart card belongs to a
different scrambling system
Use an applicable smart card with the specific
scrambling system
The sound is OK, but
there is no image
Device is set to a radio channel Change to TV mode