Helpful Hint: Always pre-fit your cabinets before permanently securing them, as having to
change screw locations will leave unwanted holes on the insides of your new cabinets.
Wall stud
Installing the wall cabinets
Installing the wall cabinets is similar to installing base cabinets. Start with the corner cabinet. Begin by positioning the
corner cabinet so that the top is flush with the level line that was drawn previously (refer to Step 4). It can be helpful to
draw the cabinets on the wall to ensure they will all fit, including any mouldings that will extend further than the cabinets.
Be sure to center the cabinet above the stove and between any window openings your cabinetry will surround.
After checking the cabinet to ensure that it is level and plumb, secure it through the upper and lower cabinet hanger strips
into the wall studs using 2-1/2” round washer head screws. It is recommended that at least four (two upper & two lower)
screws secure each wall cabinet to the wall. Following the same procedure as with the base cabinets, place the next wall
cabinet into position, clamp them together with C-clamps, secure the two cabinets together and finally, secure it to the wall.
Complete the run of wall cabinets using the same procedure.
Helpful Hint: Make a single cabinet support to hold the cabinet in position during the
installation process (see below).
Support stand