Remove the existing cabinets and counter tops as well as any mouldings around windows or doors, and any baseboards that
may be in the way of your installation. Be careful when removing upper cabinets from the wall. It is best to have two sets of
hands to support the old cabinet’s weight when removing the last of the screws. This will help prevent it from falling, causing
injury and/or damage.
Repair any damage to wall surfaces that may show after you’ve installed your new cabinets.
Helpful Hint: To help visualize the location of the new cabinets it may help to draw an
outline on the walls where they will be attached. Simply measure the widths of the cabinets
and transfer the measurements to their respective walls.
Pencil line on wall (top of cabinets)
Pencil line on wall (top of base cabinets)
Preparing to install your new cabinets
Locate electric, gas or water lines running behind the walls. You may need to cut openings in the back panel of the cabinet(s)
to accommodate the utilities before installation, and you will also want to be sure to avoid accidentally damaging those utilities
during installation. Mark the location of all of the studs on the walls that are to support the new cabinets. Use a magnetic
stud finder or a hammer and small finishing nail to accomplish this. It is very important that cabinets are firmly attached to wall
studs for the optimum amount of support. Be sure to avoid electric, gas, or water lines, or other utilities that might be behind
the wall when locating the studs, and whenever drilling into the wall or driving a screw.
Houses can become unlevel over long periods of time due to settling and shifting. It is important to determine where the
highest point in the floor is along the walls where you are going to install your cabinets. Check the floor with a level to
determine the highest point.
Using a chalk line or straight edge, draw a level line at 34-5/8” from the highest point on the floor on the wall where the new base
cabinets will be installed. This line establishes the base cabinet height. Now, measure up 84”(or the height of your cabinetry) from
the same high point in the floor and draw a similar level line on the wall where your wall cabinets will be installed. This line establishes
the top of the wall cabinet height.
Remove the packaging as well as all of the doors, drawers, false fronts and any adjustable shelving from the new cabinets.
This procedure will help to reduce the weight and prevent injury or damage from falling shelves, swinging doors and sliding
drawers during the initial installation phase.
Your cabinets are equipped with fully adjustable clip hinges for easy door removal. You’ll find the clip at the end of the hinge
facing the inside of the cabinet. Simply squeeze the clip and the hinge will release without changing the door adjustment.