Step 15
now review the entire installation with the power source disconnected. With the
power connected again, check for possible interference of all moving parts. If inter-
ference occurs review the instructions and contact THIEMAn if the problem can not
be eliminated.
Step 16
Thieman recommends that the installer perform a weight test of the liftgate to check
the welds or mounting bolts and the structural integrity of the body or frame of the
truck or trailer. The load used should be the maximum weight rating of the particular
liftgate with the weight centrally located on the platform. A minimum of 20 cycles
should be made to insure the integrity of the mounting.
Step 17
Finish paint as required and remove the pre-mask on decals already applied by
Thieman. Apply the remaining decals in the appropriate locations as shown. When
painting, carefully grease or mask fittings and exposed portion of the piston rod. The
be applied properly or all warranties are
Step 18
Any lights that were removed or obstructed must be replaced or relocated in such a
manner that the completed vehicle must be compliance with FMvSS 108 (49 CFR
Step 19
It may be necessary to add Rear End Protection on this installation. Check your local
and state laws for requirements for FMCSR 49 CFR 393.86.