Instrument Operation
Install the CR2032 battery provided (“+” should be facing up) and the unit will turn on ready
to use. Like a digital watch, TimeStick Trio is always on. TimeStick Trio has three independent
timers with two modes: Timer (Count-Down), and Count-Up (works like a stopwatch).
During operation each timer will flash UP or DOWN to indicate the mode.
Set the Timer
Press the SET button next to the timer you wish to set, the digits will flash.
With reference to the following examples, set the desired count-down times.
Press CLEAR to clear the display before setting new values
To set 12 seconds = press 1, 2
To set 12 minutes = press 1,2,0,0
To set 12 hours = press 1,2,0,0,0,0
To set 12 hours, 12 minutes = press 1,2,1,2,0,0
To set 12 hours, 12 minutes, 12 seconds = press 1,2,1,2,1,2
Press SET again to save changes.
Start the Count-down Timer
Press START/STOP next to the desired timer to begin the count-down.
You can pause a count-down by pressing START/STOP, resume by pressing START/STOP again.
When the timer reaches 00:00:00, the alarm will sound and the backlight will flash for 10
seconds. The timer will start to count-up showing the elapsed time since the alarm had
sounded. Press any button to mute the alarm and continue the count-up.
Each timer channel has a distinct beep pattern to identify which alarm is sounding.
Timer One: (Beep) pause (Beep) pause
Timer Two: (Beep Beep) pause (Beep Beep) pause
Timer Three: (Beep Beep Beep) pause (Beep Beep Beep) pause
If a second or third alarm sounds while an alarm is already sounding, the last alarm to sound
takes over the beep pattern.
TimeStick Trio will retain the last timer value entered in memory. Pressing SET recalls the value
last used.
Start the Count-up
Press SET on desired channel.
Press CLEAR to clear the display.
Press START/STOP to begin count-up.
Press START/STOP at any time to stop count-up.
Extended Alarm Alert
To help preserve battery life, after one minute of sounding an alarm TimeStick Trio will beep for 5
seconds every 30 seconds. It will repeat this until silenced by a button push.
Lock Button Function
TimeStick Trio was designed with a Lock function to help prevent accidental button presses. By
pressing and holding the LOCK button for 5 seconds, TimeStick Trio will enter lock mode and
disable all other buttons. To exit out of LOCK mode press and hold the lock key until the lock
indicator disappears. If timer expires while in the LOCK function only the LOCK button will
silence the alarm.
Backlight Button
Press the backlight button to illuminate TimeStick Trio’s screen for 10 seconds.
Trio Instructions