page 19
The control panel consists of the following parts:
1 – Main and cycle start switch (illuminated).
2 – Boiler fan control switch.
3 – Heating plant circulating pump control switch.
4 – Wood cycle start and fuel finished signal light. This light comes on when the
fuel finished thermostat signals a drop in the water temperature caused by
a lack of firewood. The thermostat is located inside the electric panel and it
is calibrated at 45° C. Once the wood load finishes the light comes on and
the fan shuts off.
5 – Manual reset safety thermostat; when the overtemperature goes above 100°
C the fan shuts off. Once the reasons for this overtemperature have been
identified and resolved the fan can be reactivated by unscrewing the plastic
cover on the thermostat and pressing the button (the temperature of the
boiler must be below 70° C).
6 – Thermostat for regulating the boiler water temperature (from 70 to 90° C).
The manufacturer recommends keeping the boiler water temperature on
high values (75° C /80° C) in order to prevent the formation of condensation.
7 – Thermometer.
The following devices are located inside the electric panel:
- Forced circulation (bypass) thermostat calibrated at 90°C. This is a safety
device which prevents the boiler water from boiling by activating the
circulating pump for a few seconds, even without the signal from the room
temperature thermostat.
- Anticondensation thermostat (Calibrated at 60°C)
- Fuel finished thermostat (Calibrated at 45°C)
- Relay.
The operation of the fan is indispensable for intaking air required for the combustion in the boiler. The fan
functions if switch 2 is positioned on "1".
The air intake is always the maximum and it only stops when the set point temperature of the boiler
thermostat is reached. The pumps must always be connected to the panel as they are activated above
60°C. When the wood fuel is about to finish, the water temperature tends to drop and eventually shuts down
the pump as the anticondensation thermostat is tripped. The fan continues to operate without producing
any further heat and cools the boiler body. When, as a result of this cooling process the temperature drops
to roughly 45°C, the fuel finished thermostat is tripped, which in turn shuts down the fan. In the initial
starting phase when the boiler is cold the fuel finished device could be activated even if the boiler is lit and
running on a full load of wood.
This occurs when:
- The circulators are not connected to the electric board but by means of external collar thermostats. The
poor sensitivity of these thermostats can allow the pumps to operate to the point where the water
temperature in the boiler drops below 45°C which trips the fuel finished thermostat.
- The overall capacity of the pumps is so high that when they start at 60°C for the first time, the water refill
is so fast that the cold water return from the plant is not signalled in time by the anticondensation
thermostat, consequently the temperature drops below 45°C, which in this case as well, trips the fuel
finished thermostat.
To remedy this situation in this case simply reduce the pump speed, or throttle its flow capacity.