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1 July 2019



 DNA electrophoresis protocol

Important guidelines



Use 10−200 ng DNA per band for samples with one unique band or up to 500 ng per lane for samples with multiple bands.



Dilute samples with high salt concentrations (>50 mM NaCl, >100 mM KCl, >10 mM acetate ions, >10 mM EDTA) 2- to 5-fold in deionized water, TE, or 1X E-Gel

 Sample Loading 

Buffer, in a final volume of 15 μL (48-well gels) or 20 uL (96-well gels).



Load E-Gel

 agarose gels within 30 minutes after opening the pouch; run gels within 1−3 minutes after loading samples.



1–5 min



Prepare samples

Prepare DNA samples in deionized water OR 1X E-Gel

 Sample Loading Buffer.


For optimal separation use 20−100 ng of DNA per band for samples with one


unique band or 

up to 500 ng per lane for samples with multiple bands.


The total sample volume for 48-well gels is 15 μL.


The total sample volume for 96-well gels is 20 μL.

5–10 min



Prepare gel 


a.  Plug the Mother E-Base

 Device into an electrical outlet.

b.  Remove the gel from the package and gently remove the comb(s) from the E-Gel


c.  Insert the cassette into the E-Base

 Device, starting from the right edge. When properly 

inserted, the device indicates its initialized status with a steady red light. 


:The protocol type on the display shows EG for E-Gel

 DNA cassettes, and EP for  





Load samples

Load samples with a multichannel pipettor.
Load a volume of 

15 μL in each well for 48-well gels

Load a volume of 

20 μL in each well for 96-well gels


a.  Load prepared samples into sample wells. Keep all sample volumes uniform.
b.  Load prepared E-Gel

 DNA ladder into marker wells.

c.  Load 1X E-Gel

 Sample Loading Buffer or deionized water in all empty wells. The buffer for 

empty wells should have a similar salt concentration to adjecent sample wells.
