Section 6
Care and Cleaning
Care of Acrylic
The following chemical compatibility chart is supplied for the convenience
of our customers. Although acrylic is compatible with most solvents and
solutions found in the biochemical laboratory, some solvents can cause
substantial damage. Keep this chart handy to avoid hann to your apparatus
by the use of an inappropriate solvent.
S - Safe (No effect, except possibly some staining)
A - Attacked (Slight attack by, or absorption of, the liquid)
(Slight crazing or swelling, but acrylic has retained most of its strength)
U - Unsatisfactory (Softened, swollen, slowly dissolved)
D - Dissolved (In seven days, or less)
A Few Tips About Caring for Your System
Organic solvents cause acrylic to "craze" or crack. Clean all
acrylic systems with warm water and a mild detergent. Do not use ethanol
or other organic solvents to clean these products. Do not autoclave, bake,
or microwave your unit. Temperatures over 50°C can damage acrylic.
If an RNase free electrophoresis system is desired, there are various
methods to rid the system of RNA contamination. For fast and easy
decontamination, use RNase AWAY®*. Spray, wipe or soak labware with
RNase Away, then wipe or rinse the surface clean; it instantly eliminates
RNase. RNase Away eliminates the old methods that include treatment
with 0.1 % Diethyl Pyrocarbonate (DEPC) treated water and soaking in
diluted bleach. DEPC is suspected to be a carcinogen and should be
handled with care. This electrophoresis system should never be autoclaved,
baked, or placed in a microwave.
To order RNase Away®, contact Technical Services:
P/N 21-236-21 250ml bottle, P/N 21-402-178 475ml spray bottle,
P/N 14-375-35 1 liter bottle, P/N 14-754-34 4 liter bottle
*Rnase AWAY® is a registered trademark of Molecular BioProducts, Inc.
Semidry Electroblotter
Thermo Scientific